A PTX JIT compilation failed

So the PTX JIT compilation only kicks in when you have a CUDA compute arch for your hardware that isn’t supported by the binary you are running and the PTX JIT jumps in to bridge that gap.
So the questions would be

  • What is the compute arch of your hardware? (If you don’t know, Wikipedia has the information for “sales name -> arch”.)
  • What is are the compute archs included in your PyTorch?
  • Is something up with the CUDA installation that makes it fail?

Typically, official PyTorch binaries come with the supported arch binaries all compiled while by default self-compile PyTorch only comes with the arch of the hardware you compile on.
You can use cuobjdump /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/lib/libtorch.so | grep 'arch' | sort | uniq to check what PyTorch has.
For example, on my GTX1080Ti, a self-compiled PyTorch will have only arch = 6.1 while the 1.2 wheel from the PyTorch site has 30,35,50,60,61,70,75.

The easiest remedy is likely to deploy a PyTorch that includes the right arch binaries.

Best regards


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