After the training, the model is saved and then loaded, and the accuracy is inconsistent

The result of the direct test after the model training is correct, but the model is saved as .pt after training, and the model after reloading the .pt is inaccurate.
Libtorch version 1.1.0

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Same problem happened on my case. Training and Directly Inference get a normal and correct result, however, Training-Save and Load-Inference get a innormal and competely wrong result.

Here is my flow path of my code, Step 6 output is same but Step 7 not and competely different:
Step 1 Model Initialization
Step 2 Model Training(printf:output result with an all-ones intput at last training step)
Step 3 torch::save(model,“D:\path\to\”);
Step 4 Initialization model2
Step 5 torch::load(model2,“D:\path\to\”);
Step 6 std::cout<<model.parameters()[169]<<std::endl;
Step 7 torch::Tensor t1=model->forward(torch::ones(1,1,224,224).to(torch::kCUDA));
torch::Tensor t2=model2->forward(torch::ones(1,1,224,224).to(torch::kCUDA));

Same problem happened on my case at Libtorch1.1.0
Training and Directly Inference get a normal and correct result, however, Training-Save and Load-Inference get a innormal and competely wrong result.

Here is my flow path of my code, Step 6 output is same but Step 7 not and competely different:
Step 1 Model Initialization
Step 2 Model Training(printf:output result with an all-ones intput at last training step)
Step 3 torch::save(model,“D:\path\to\”);
Step 4 Initialization model2
Step 5 torch::load(model2,“D:\path\to\”);
Step 6 std::cout<<model.parameters()[169]<<std::endl;
Step 7 torch::Tensor t1=model->forward(torch::ones(1,1,224,224).to(torch::kCUDA));
torch::Tensor t2=model2->forward(torch::ones(1,1,224,224).to(torch::kCUDA));

@CF-chen-feng-CF @xiaoliu_xiaoliu Could you share with us the full code to reproduce this issue?

Solved!Just overlook of using .eval() .@yf225