Auto gradient problem in custom layer

Hello, I am new to Pytorch and I am trying to write a custom binary XNOR layer which can replace conv2d if input and weight are binary. (algorithm implementation are not related to my problem, please don’t spend to much time looking deep into it. I don’t want waste your time)

I have a small sample here. The problem is loss never change, and weight doesn’t update.

I find out in optimizer.step(), p.grad == none. (it should not be none)

I have been stuck here for three days, Could someone please help me and give me some idea, or share a custom layer implementation(have weight involved)

Here is the code. Thanks for your time.

class myBinConv2d(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True):
        super(myBinConv2d, self).__init__()
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.s = stride
        self.p = padding
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(Variable(torch.Tensor(1,1,kernel_size,kernel_size)))

    def forward(self,input):
        a =[0,0,:,:]
        isize = len(a[0])
        if self.p!=0:
            a = np.pad(a, (self.p,self.p), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
        wsize =len([0,0,:,:][0])
        numOfItmInFilter = len([0,0,:,:][0])*len([0,0,:,:][0])
        nisize = len(a[0])
        outputOfConv = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros(shape=(1,1,(isize-wsize+2*self.p)/self.s+1,(isize-wsize+2*self.p)/self.s+1)))
        wc = 0
        hc = 0
        while (i+wsize) <= nisize :
            while j+wsize <= nisize:
                tempa = np.uint64(a[i:i+wsize,j:j+wsize])
                tempb = np.uint64([0,0,:,:])
                outputOfConv[0][0][hc][wc] = np.count_nonzero(np.bitwise_xor(tempa,tempb))*2 - numOfItmInFilter
                j = (j+1)*self.s
                wc= wc+1
            hc = hc+1
            i = (i+1)*self.s 
        return Variable(outputOfConv,requires_grad = True)
    def extra_repr(self):
        return 'in_channels={}, out_channels={}'.format(
            self.in_channels, self.out_channels)
class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.myBinConv2d = myBinConv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=3)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.myBinConv2d(x)
        return x

x_data = np.loadtxt("/home/zhiming/Desktop/outfile.txt", dtype='i', delimiter=' ')
y_data = x_data[0:30,0:30]
x_data = Variable(torch.Tensor([[x_data]]))
y_data = Variable(torch.Tensor([[y_data]]).double())

model = Net()

criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=False)

optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.5)

for epoch in range(5):
    start = time.time()
    y_pred = model(x_data)
    end = time.time()
    a = list(model.parameters())[0]
    loss = criterion(y_pred, y_data)
    print(epoch,," loss data")

Here is the print for weight matrix and loss(alway 71100)

1 tensor(71100., dtype=torch.float64) loss data

Parameter containing:
tensor([[[[-9.5033e-27, 4.5581e-41, 4.0389e+30],
[ 3.0618e-41, -3.3686e-26, 4.5581e-41],
[-3.4935e-26, 4.5581e-41, 6.7262e-44]]]])

2 tensor(71100., dtype=torch.float64) loss data

Parameter containing:
tensor([[[[-9.5033e-27, 4.5581e-41, 4.0389e+30],
[ 3.0618e-41, -3.3686e-26, 4.5581e-41],
[-3.4935e-26, 4.5581e-41, 6.7262e-44]]]])

3 tensor(71100., dtype=torch.float64) loss data

Parameter containing:
tensor([[[[-9.5033e-27, 4.5581e-41, 4.0389e+30],
[ 3.0618e-41, -3.3686e-26, 4.5581e-41],
[-3.4935e-26, 4.5581e-41, 6.7262e-44]]]])

4 tensor(71100., dtype=torch.float64) loss data

Parameter containing:
tensor([[[[-9.5033e-27, 4.5581e-41, 4.0389e+30],
[ 3.0618e-41, -3.3686e-26, 4.5581e-41],
[-3.4935e-26, 4.5581e-41, 6.7262e-44]]]])


When using the autograd engine you must never use .data.
.data should never be used ! It is a legacy api that allows you to perform computation without computing gradients for them. The new api for that is the torch.no_grad() context manager.

I guess removing all the .data from your code and the wrapping into a Variable at the end of your forward will most certainly fix your problem. Note that if you’re using 0.4, you don’t need to call Variable anywhere as all Tensors are Variables now.


Hello AlbanD,
Thank you so much for your reply
I still have a question, if I don’t use .data, how do I call Numpy function input is Pytorch Variable?
For example
output[i,j] = (input[i,j])+(self.weight[0,0,i,j]) --------------works
output[i,j] = np.add((a[i][j]),(self.weight[0,0,i,j])) ---------------Doesn’t work
np.add just a example, actually I need some other Numpy functions.
Could you please provide a simply example?


You cannot.
To be able to use the autograd, you need to use pytorch’s function (because they contain the information on how to compute the gradients). You cannot use numpy operations and backpropagate through them.