Autograd expecting wrong variable version

Hey, I don’t understand why doesn’t the following bit of code work:

d1, d2 = 12, 24
timesteps = 3

FC1 = nn.Linear(d1,d2)
FC2 = nn.Linear(d2,d1)
L1 = nn.L1Loss()

a = torch.randn(d1)
b_storage = torch.zeros(timesteps, d2)

for t in range(timesteps):
    b_storage[t] = FC1(a)
    a = FC2(b_storage[t])
    print(b_storage._version)  #<- 1,2,3
target = torch.randn_like(a)
loss = L1(a, target)
loss.backward()  #<- expects version 2?!

[out]: **RuntimeError:** one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.FloatTensor [1, 24]], which is output 0 of UnsqueezeBackward0, is at version 3; expected version 2 instead.

Whatever I set the number of timesteps to be, autograd expects the final version to be at timesteps-1. If I don’t use the b_storage tensor and instead feed FC2 with the output of FC1(a) directly then the issue doesn’t come up. However the problem doesn’t make sense: looking at the code makes it obvious that autograd should be expecting b_storage to be at version=timesteps, not timesteps-1. Is there a bug with UnsqueezeBackward0?

I think you are running into a similar issue as described here.
In particular:

One source of error is that the model needs the unmodified data_in but the versioning does not capture regions of data_in.

and you could fix it by using a = FC2(b_storage[t].clone()).

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