Back propagate masked output

I’m fiddling around with a loss function that measures similarity between feature maps in pixel space. The target is a sparse map of 0s or 1s of size 224x224. The key aspect of what I’m trying is that I only want the value of local maxima of the prediction to be back propagated, meaning that I need to mask the predicted map.

Within the loss I do this:

def forward(self, inputs, targets):
    pooled = self.max_pool(inputs)
    mask = (inputs == pooled).float()
    maxima = inputs * mask
    return self.bce_loss(maxima, targets)

By using max pooling and comparing it to the initial mask, I create a mask that only highlights local maxima. Multiplying this to the initial values gets my wanted logits back.

What I want is to back propagate only those information that were part of the mask (have a 1.0) and not those values that are set to 0.0.

My direct model outputs show a very strong checkerboard pattern, which is why I suspect also the masked out values are somehow being back propagated. I expected the output to look a lot more smooth. E.g. I expected the values around local maxima to be closer to the maxima instead of being zero (on the grid lines).

I do use transposed convs with k=2 for upsampling.

Where am I going wrong? Is there a fundamental problem in my approach?

I tried this

def forward(self, inputs, targets):
    inp_copy = inputs.clone().detach()
    pooled =
    mask = (inp_copy == pooled).float()
    inputs.register_hook(lambda grad: grad * mask)
    return self.loss_fn(inputs, targets)

but now I’m getting a cannot register a hook on a tensor that doesn't require gradient exception.

This fixed the hook problem:

def forward(self, inputs, targets):
    pooled =
    mask = (inputs == pooled).float()
    if self.train and inputs.requires_grad:
        inputs.register_hook(lambda grad: grad * mask)
    return self.loss_fn(inputs, targets)

The problem came from pytorch lightning running a couple of eval batches before training.

However, the original problem with the checkerboard was fixed by switching from transposed convs to interpolate + regular conv. I thought a non overlapping transpose conv was enough to get rid of it, but that was not true.