`backward()` fails even though loss function is computed correctly

I am facing a situation where I can correctly compute my loss function after defining my model and then using the .forward() method. However, when applying loss.backward(), I am getting a conformability error as shown below (full error at the end):

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (2) at non-singleton dimension 0

What puzzles me is that there is no error when applying the .forward() method of my model, but it appears when asking for the loss.backward() method. Is this as puzzling as it seems to me, or can it easily occur? if so, could you tell me some of the common sources of the problem?

Finally, full replication of the error here.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\Users\Documents\_scratch_code\main.py in line 28
     112     loss = MIXL.forward(data_batch) 
     113     print("loss",loss)
---> 114     loss.backward()

File c:\Users\\Anaconda3\envs\lib\site-packages\torch\_tensor.py:488, in Tensor.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs)
    478 if has_torch_function_unary(self):
    479     return handle_torch_function(
    480         Tensor.backward,
    481         (self,),
    486         inputs=inputs,
    487     )
--> 488 torch.autograd.backward(
    489     self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs=inputs
    490 )
--> 197 Variable._execution_engine.run_backward(  # Calls into the C++ engine to run the backward pass
    198     tensors, grad_tensors_, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs,
    199     allow_unreachable=True, accumulate_grad=True)

Can you please share your loss function and train loop?

Thanks for your answer @TzviNoy, but the code is too convoluted to post here since I cannot reproduce the error on a smaller and simplified version of the program. However, what I am asking is just to elaborate on the possible common reasons why this problem might occur.

I narrowed down my problem to the following snippet of my training loop (all required functions and dependencies are at the end). I still don’t understand why I can compute the loss function correctly, but the backward() method fails to produce the gradients.

Data + hyperparams

import torch 
from torch.utils.data import Dataset,default_collate , DataLoader
import argparse
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch.nn as nn
from scipy.stats import qmc , norm
import traceback
X =  pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'x1_1': {0: -0.176, 1: 1.6458, 2: -0.13, 3: 1.96, 4: -1.70, 5: 1.45, 6: 0.06, 7: -1.21, 8: -0.30, 9: 0.07}, 'x1_2': {0: -2.420, 1: -1.0828, 2: 2.73, 3: 1.597, 4: 0.088, 5: 1.220, 6: -0.44, 7: -0.692, 8: 0.037, 9: 0.465}, 'x1_3': {0: -1.5483, 1: 0.8457, 2: -0.21250, 3: 0.52923, 4: -2.593, 5: -0.6188, 6: 1.69, 7: -1.027, 8: 0.63, 9: -0.771}, 'x2_1': {0: 0.379724, 1: -2.2364391598508835, 2: 0.6205947900678905, 3: 0.6623865847688559, 4: 1.562036259999875, 5: -0.13081282910947759, 6: 0.03914373833251773, 7: -0.995761652421108, 8: 1.0649494418154162, 9: 1.3744782478849122}, 'x2_2': {0: -0.5052556836786106, 1: 1.1464291788297152, 2: -0.5662380273138174, 3: 0.6875729143723538, 4: 0.04653136473130827, 5: -0.012885303852347407, 6: 1.5893672346098884, 7: 0.5464286050059511, 8: -0.10430829457707284, 9: -0.5441755265313813}, 'x2_3': {0: -0.9762973303149007, 1: -0.983731467806563, 2: 1.465827578266328, 3: 0.5325950414202745, 4: -1.4452121324204903, 5: 0.8148816373643869, 6: 0.470791989780882, 7: -0.17951636294180473, 8: 0.7351814781280054, 9: -0.28776723200679066}, 'x3_1': {0: 0.12751822396637064, 1: -0.21926633684030983, 2: 0.15758799357206943, 3: 0.5885412224632464, 4: 0.11916562911189271, 5: -1.6436210334529249, 6: -0.12444368631987467, 7: 1.4618564171802453, 8: 0.6847234328916137, 9: -0.23177118858569187}, 'x3_2': {0: -0.6452955690715819, 1: 1.052094761527654, 2: 0.20190339195326157, 3: 0.6839430295237913, 4: -0.2607691613858866, 5: 0.3315513026670213, 6: 0.015901139336566113, 7: 0.15243420084881903, 8: -0.7604225072161022, 9: -0.4387652927008854}, 'x3_3': {0: -1.067058994377549, 1: 0.8026914180717286, 2: -1.9868531745912268, 3: -0.5057770735303253, 4: -1.6589569342151713, 5: 0.358172252880764, 6: 1.9238983803281329, 7: 2.2518318810978246, 8: -1.2781475121874357, 9: -0.7103081175166167}})
Y = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'CHOICE': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 2.0, 3: 2.0, 4: 3.0, 5: 2.0, 6: 1.0, 7: 1.0, 8: 2.0, 9: 2.0}})
Z = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'z1': {0: 2.41967, 1: 2.41, 2: 2.822, 3: 2.82, 4: 2.07, 5: 2.073, 6: 2.04, 7: 2.04, 8: 2.40, 9: 2.40}, 'z2': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 1.0, 5: 1.0, 6: 1.0, 7: 1.0, 8: 0.0, 9: 0.0}, 'z3': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 2.0, 5: 2.0, 6: 2.0, 7: 2.0, 8: 3.0, 9: 3.0}})
id = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'id_choice': {0: 1.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 3.0, 3: 4.0, 4: 5.0, 5: 6.0, 6: 7.0, 7: 8.0, 8: 9.0, 9: 10.0}, 'id_ind': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 2.0, 3: 2.0, 4: 3.0, 5: 3.0, 6: 4.0, 7: 4.0, 8: 5.0, 9: 5.0}} )
data = pd.concat([id, X, Z, Y], axis=1)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
parser.add_argument('--R', type=int, default=5, help='Number of draws (default: 100)')
args = parser.parse_args("") 
args.J = 3 # number of alternatives
args.batch_size = 2 # length of the batch
args.K = 3 # number of alternatives
args.K_r = 1 # rand par
args.K_f = 2 # fixed par

Training loop that fails to produce backward()

Here, while looping over the invidiuals I create a matrix with Halton draws for the numerical integration of the random coefficients (draws). Then I add this into the dictionary of the data for this batch new_data_batch['Draws'] = draws. Then when computing the loss function, there is no problem. However, when using the .backward() method, I got a conformability error which I cannot track down. What strikes me as unexpected is that if there would be an error in the dimensionality of the Tensors, then I would get an error when computing the loss function, but this is not the case here, since I only get an error out of the .backward() method. Any ideas about why this might be happening?

torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True)  # enable anomaly detection
# Defining my dataset
DataSet_Choice= ChoiceDataset(data ,args, id_variable = "id_ind" )
# Defining my dataloader
DataLoader_Choice = DataLoader(DataSet_Choice, collate_fn=cust_collate, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, drop_last=False)
# Defining my model 
model = LL_MODEL(args)
# Training loop
for idx, data_batch  in enumerate(DataLoader_Choice):
    # Create draws for numerical integration of random parameters
    draws = Create_Draws(args.K_r, data_batch['N_n_batch'], args.R ,data_batch['t_n'], args.J)
    # Create a new dictionary with for the data
    new_data_batch = data_batch.copy()  # create a new dictionary
    # Add draws to the new dictionary
    new_data_batch['Draws'] = draws
    # Compute the loss
    loss = model.forward(new_data_batch) 
    # Compute the gradient
    loss.backward() #<- this fails even when the loss is computed correctly.

Full error message

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\Users\scratch_code\_problem_isolation.py in line 344
    342 print("loss",loss)
    343 # Compute the gradient
--> 344 loss.backward() #<- this fails even when the loss is computed fine.

File c:\Users\lib\site-packages\torch\_tensor.py:396, in Tensor.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs)
    387 if has_torch_function_unary(self):
    388     return handle_torch_function(
    389         Tensor.backward,
    390         (self,),
    394         create_graph=create_graph,
    395         inputs=inputs)
--> 396 torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs=inputs)

File c:\Users\lib\site-packages\torch\autograd\__init__.py:173, in backward(tensors, grad_tensors, retain_graph, create_graph, grad_variables, inputs)
    168     retain_graph = create_graph
    170 # The reason we repeat same the comment below is that
--> 173 Variable._execution_engine.run_backward(  # Calls into the C++ engine to run the backward pass
    174     tensors, grad_tensors_, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs,
    175     allow_unreachable=True, accumulate_grad=True)

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (2) at non-singleton dimension 0

Required functions

Data manipulation functions

class ChoiceDataset(Dataset):
    Dataset for choice data

        data (pandas dataframe): dataframe with all the data

        dictionary with the data for each individual

    def __init__(self, data,  args , id_variable:str = "id_ind" ):

        if id_variable not in data.columns:
            raise ValueError(f"Variable {id_variable} not in dataframe")
        self.data = data
        self.args = args
        # select cluster variable
        self.cluster_ids = self.data[id_variable].unique()
        self.Y = torch.LongTensor(self.data['CHOICE'].values -1).reshape(len(self.data['CHOICE'].index),1)
        self.id = torch.LongTensor(self.data[id_variable].values).reshape(len(self.data[id_variable].index),1)
        # number of individuals (N_n)
        self.N_n = torch.unique(self.id).shape[0]
        # number of choices made per individual (t_n)
        _ , self.t_n = self.id.unique(return_counts=True)
        #total number of observations (N_t = total number of choices)
        self.N_t = self.t_n.sum(axis=0).item() 
        # Select regressors: variables that start with "x"
        self.X_wide = data.filter(regex='^x') 

        # Check if there are any ASC variables
        if data.filter(regex='^ASC').shape[1] > 0:
            #Select variables that start with "ASC"
            self.ASC_wide = data.filter(regex='^ASC')
            # Concatenate X and ASC
            self.X_wide_plus_ASC = pd.concat([self.X_wide, self.ASC_wide], axis=1)        
            self.K = int(self.X_wide_plus_ASC.shape[1] / args.J)
            self.X_wide_plus_ASC = self.X_wide
            self.K = int(self.X_wide_plus_ASC.shape[1] / args.J)
        # turn X_wide into a tensor
        self.X = torch.DoubleTensor(self.X_wide_plus_ASC.values)
        # reshape X to have the right dimensions
        # Select variables that start with "z"
        self.Z = torch.DoubleTensor(self.data.filter(regex='^z').values)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.N_n # number of individuals

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # select the index of the individual
        self.index = torch.where(self.id == idx+1)[0]
        self.len_batch =  self.index.shape[0] 
        # Select observations for the individual
        Y_batch = self.Y[self.index]
        Z_batch = self.Z[self.index]
        # Select id for the individual
        id_batch = self.id[self.index]
        # Number of individuals in the batch

        # Number of choices per  individual
        t_n_batch = self.t_n[idx]

        # Select regressors for the individual
        X_batch = self.X[self.index]
        # reshape X_batch to have the right dimensions
        X_batch = X_batch.reshape(self.len_batch, self.K, self.args.J)
        return {'X': X_batch, 'Z': Z_batch, 'Y': Y_batch, 'id': id_batch, 't_n': t_n_batch}  

def cust_collate(batch_dict):
    This function is used to concatenate the data for each individual.
    It relies on the function `default_collate()` to concatenate the
    batches of each block of individuals. Later it resizes the tensors
    to concatenate the data for each individual using axis 0.
    batch_dict : dict
        Dictionary containing the data for each block of individuals.
        Keys are 'X', 'Y', 'Z' and 'id'
    collate_batche : dict
        Dictionary containing the data for each individual.
        Keys are 'X', 'Y', 'Z' and 'id' (again)

    def resize_batch_from_4D_to_3D_tensor(x:torch.Tensor):
            This function suppresses the extra dimension created by 
            `default_collate()` and concatenates the data for each 
            individual using axis 0 guesing (`-1`) dimension zero.
        x : torch.Tensor (4D)
        torch.Tensor (3D)                
        return  x.view(-1, x.size(2), x.size(3))

    def resize_batch_from_3D_to_2D_tensor(y:torch.Tensor):
            This function suppresses the extra dimension created by 
            `default_collate()` and concatenates the data for each 
            individual using axis 0 guesing (`-1`) dimension zero.
        x : torch.Tensor (3D)
        torch.Tensor (2D)                
        return  y.view(-1,  y.size(2))    
    collate_batche = default_collate(batch_dict)
    # Resize the tensors to concatenate the data for each individual using axis 0.
    collate_batche['X'] = resize_batch_from_4D_to_3D_tensor(collate_batche['X'])
    collate_batche['Y'] = resize_batch_from_3D_to_2D_tensor(collate_batche['Y'])
    collate_batche['Z'] = resize_batch_from_3D_to_2D_tensor(collate_batche['Z'])
    collate_batche['id'] = resize_batch_from_3D_to_2D_tensor(collate_batche['id'])
    # Number of individuals in the batch
    collate_batche['N_n_batch'] = torch.unique(collate_batche['id']).shape[0]
    # Total Number of choices sets in the batch     
    collate_batche['N_t_batch'] = collate_batche['Y'].shape[0]
    return collate_batche

Model definition

class LL_MODEL(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,args):
        super(LL_MODEL, self).__init__()
        self.args = args 
        self.sum_param = self.args.K_r + self.args.K_f 
        assert self.args.K == self.sum_param , "Total number of parameters K is not equal to the sum of the number of random, fixed and taste parameters"

        self.rand_param_list = nn.ParameterList([])
        for i in range(2 * self.args.K_r):           
            beta_rand = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1,dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True))

        if self.args.K_f > 0:
            self.fix_param_list = nn.ParameterList([])
            for i in range(self.args.K_f): 
                beta_fix = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1,dtype=torch.double, requires_grad=True))

    def forward(self, data):
        This function defines the forward pass of the model.
        It receives as input the data and the draws from the QMC sequence.
        It returns the log-likelihood of the model.
            d: (dataset) dictionary with keys: X, Y, id, t_n, Z (if needed))
                X:   (tensor) dimension: (N_t x K x J) [attributes levels]
                Y:   (tensor) dimension: (N_t, J)    [choosen alternative]
                id:  (tensor) dimension: (N_t, 1)    [individual id]
                t_n: (tensor) dimension: (N_n, 1)    [number of choice sets per individual]
                Z:   (tensor) dimension: (N_t, K_t) [individual characteristics]
                Draws: (tensor) dimension: (N_n, J, R)
                    N_n: number of individuals
                    J: number of alternatives
                    R: number of draws
            simulated_log_likelihood: (tensor) dimension: (1,1)
        self.N_t = data['N_t_batch']
        self.N_n = data['N_n_batch']
        self.K = self.args.K
        Draws = data['Draws']
        self.X = data['X']
        self.Y = data['Y']
        self.t_n = data['t_n'].reshape(self.N_n,1)
        self.Z = data['Z'] if data['Z'] is not None else None
        self.id = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(self.N_n)).reshape(self.N_n,1) 

        rand_par = [self.rand_param_list[i] for i in range(2 * self.args.K_r)] 
        if self.args.K_f > 0:
            fix_par  = [self.fix_param_list[i] for i in range(self.args.K_f)]
            self.params = torch.cat(rand_par  + fix_par).reshape(self.args.K_f + 2 * self.args.K_r,1)
            self.params = torch.cat(rand_par).reshape(2 * self.args.K_r,1)
        self.beta_means = self.params[0:2*self.args.K_r:2 ,0].reshape(self.args.K_r,1,1,1)
        self.beta_stds  = self.params[1:2*self.args.K_r:2 ,0].reshape(self.args.K_r,1,1,1)
        self.beta_R = torch.empty(
        for i in range(self.args.K_r):
            self.beta_R[i,:,:,:] = self.beta_means[i,:,:,:] + self.beta_stds[i,:,:,:] * Draws[i,:,:,:]
        if self.args.K_f > 0:
            self.beta_F = self.params[2*self.args.K_r:2*self.args.K_r + self.args.K_f,0].reshape(self.args.K_f,1)
            self.beta_F = self.beta_F.repeat(1, self.N_n * self.args.J * self.args.R).reshape(
            self.beta_F = self.beta_F.repeat_interleave(self.t_n.reshape(len(self.t_n)), dim = 1)

        if self.args.K_f > 0:
            self.all_beta = torch.cat((self.beta_R, self.beta_F), 0)
            self.all_beta = self.beta_R 
        self.all_X = self.X.transpose(0,1).reshape(
        self.all_X = self.all_X[:,:,:,None].repeat(1,1,1,self.args.R)
        self.V_for_R_draws = torch.einsum(
        self.V_for_R_draws_exp = torch.exp(self.V_for_R_draws)  
        self.sum_of_exp = self.V_for_R_draws_exp.sum(dim=1)
        self.prob_per_draw = self.V_for_R_draws_exp/self.sum_of_exp[:,None,:]
        self.Y_expand  = self.Y[:,:,None].repeat(1,1,self.args.R)
        self.prob_chosen_per_draw = self.prob_per_draw.gather(1,self.Y_expand)
        self.id_expand = self.id[:,:,None].repeat(1,1,self.args.R).to(torch.int64)
        self.prod_seq_choices_ind = torch.ones(
        self.prod_seq_choices_ind = self.prod_seq_choices_ind.scatter_reduce(
            0,    # the dimension to scatter on (0 for rows, 1 for columns)
            self.id_expand,   # the index to scatter
            self.prob_chosen_per_draw, # the value to scatter
            reduce='prod' # the reduction operation

        self.proba_simulated = self.prod_seq_choices_ind.mean(dim=2)
        LL = torch.log(self.proba_simulated).sum()

        return LL

def Create_Draws(dimension,N,R,t_n,J):
    Create Draws for the random parameters
        dimension: number of random parameters
        N: number of individuals
        R: number of draws
        t_n: number of choices per individual
        J: number of alternatives
        normal_draws: tensor of size (dimension, N.repeat(t_n), J, R)

    Halton_sampler = qmc.Halton(d=dimension, scramble=True)
    normal_draws = norm.ppf(Halton_sampler.random(n=N * R * J))
    normal_draws = torch.tensor(normal_draws).reshape(dimension, N, J, R) 
    normal_draws = normal_draws.repeat_interleave(t_n.reshape(len(t_n)),1) 
    print("normal_draws shape",normal_draws.shape)
    return normal_draws