Backward pass using distributed tensors

Hi all,

We would like to use tensor sharding in the computation of the loss and backward pass. Ideally, of course, it would be nice to have the functionality loss.backward() doing everything automatically, but we know this is not possible yet. Does anyone have any insights into our problem: please, see the code below?

import os
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributed._tensor import Shard, distribute_tensor, init_device_mesh, distribute_module
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.autograd as autograd

class Module(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(2, 2, bias=False)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()

    def forward(self, input):
        return self.relu(self.fc1(input)) 

def shard_params(mod_name, mod, mesh):
    col_linear_placement = [Shard(0)]
    # Shard fc1 and fc2
    if isinstance(mod, nn.Linear):
        for name, param in mod.named_parameters():
            dist_param = nn.Parameter(
                distribute_tensor(param, mesh, col_linear_placement)
            mod.register_parameter(name, dist_param)

def prepare_distributed_environment(rank=None, master_addr=None, master_port=None, world_size=None):
    os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = master_addr
    os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = master_port
    dist.init_process_group(backend='gloo', rank=rank, world_size=world_size)

def main(rank=None, master_addr=None, master_port=None, world_size=None):
    prepare_distributed_environment(rank, master_addr, master_port, world_size)
    # Initialize device mesh (assuming 4 GPUs or devices)
    device_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (2, 2), mesh_dim_names=("dim0", "dim1"))
    matrix = torch.eye(10, 10)
    sharded_matrix = distribute_tensor(matrix, device_mesh=device_mesh["dim1"], placements=rowwise_placement)

    first_stage_ranks = [0, 1]
    second_stage_ranks = [2, 3]
    if rank in [0,1]:
        input_tensor = torch.tensor([1,2], dtype=torch.float32).view(1,2).to('cuda')
        sharded_input_tensor = distribute_tensor(input_tensor, device_mesh=device_mesh["dim1"], placements=rowwise_placement)
        first_stage = Module()
        # Set default parameters to 1:
        for param in first_stage.parameters():
        distributed_first_stage = distribute_module(first_stage, device_mesh=device_mesh["dim1"], partition_fn=shard_params)
        # Process the input tensor
        output = distributed_first_stage(sharded_input_tensor)
        # Send output to ranks [2,3]
        output = output.to_local().cpu()
        dist.send(tensor=output, dst=second_stage_ranks[first_stage_ranks.index(rank)])
    if rank in [2,3]:
        second_stage_group = dist.new_group(ranks=[2,3], use_local_synchronization=True)
        second_stage = Module()
        # Set default parameters to 1:
        for param in second_stage.parameters():
        distributed_second_stage = distribute_module(second_stage, device_mesh=device_mesh["dim1"], partition_fn=shard_params)
        # Receive output from ranks [0,1]
        output = torch.ones(1, 2).cpu()
        sharded_output = distribute_tensor(output, device_mesh=device_mesh["dim1"], placements=rowwise_placement)
        temp = sharded_output.to_local().cpu()
        dist.recv(tensor=temp, src=first_stage_ranks[second_stage_ranks.index(rank)])
        sharded_output._local_tensor ='cuda')
        # Process the output tensor
        output = distributed_second_stage(sharded_output)
        # Make a tensor list with two elements
        output_all_pieces = [torch.zeros(1,1, dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu') for _ in range(2)]
        dist.all_gather(output_all_pieces, output.to_local().cpu(), group=second_stage_group)
        # Compute MSE loss
        output_all_pieces ='cuda')
        loss = output_all_pieces.sum()

        # NOTE: We would like to do a backward pass using autograd here. This currently does not work. Why?
        grad_output = autograd.grad(loss, output, retain_graph=True)[0]
        for param in second_stage.parameters():
            grad = autograd.grad(output, param, grad_outputs=grad_output, retain_graph=True)[0]
            param.grad = grad
        # Then we would need a send and receive operation to send the gradients to the first stage and autograd again

if __name__ == '__main__':  
    world_size = 4
    mp.spawn(main, args=('localhost', '12345', world_size), nprocs=world_size, join=True)

It’s not clear to me the issue you mentioned. When a parameter is a DTensor, the operation that use the parameter will perform backward propagation correctly. DTensor will automatically perform the right communication if required in the backward.

Hi @fegin,

Thank you for your answer.

We’d like to manually compute the gradients and store some data locally to avoid many communication steps. This is why we need manual autograd computations in place of backward().

Otherwise, you’re right, of course, the backward() works perfectly but it is not what we require.