Batch indexing to avoid the loop

Hi Hwang!

Yes, you can use your bounding boxes, B, to build a mask tensor that
you then multiply onto img to zero out the values in the bounding boxes:

>>> import torch
>>> print (torch.__version__)
>>> _ = torch.manual_seed (2022)
>>> nBatch = 256
>>> nChannels = 3
>>> h = 32
>>> w = h
>>> img = torch.randn (nBatch, nChannels, h, w)
>>> B = torch.rand (nBatch, 4) * h
>>> B = B.type (torch.int32)
>>> imgB = img.clone()
>>> # loop version
>>> for  i in range (nBatch):
...     img[i, :, B[i, 0]:B[i, 1], B[i, 2]:B[i, 3]] = 0
>>> # loop-free mask version
>>> hMask = torch.logical_or (torch.arange (h).unsqueeze (0) < B[:, 0, None], torch.arange (h).unsqueeze (0) >= B[:, 1, None])
>>> wMask = torch.logical_or (torch.arange (w).unsqueeze (0) < B[:, 2, None], torch.arange (w).unsqueeze (0) >= B[:, 3, None])
>>> mask = torch.logical_or (hMask.unsqueeze (2), wMask.unsqueeze (1))
>>> imgB *= mask.unsqueeze (1)
>>> torch.equal (img, imgB)


K. Frank