Batch_size greater than 1 error


I’m writing a graph conv network and when I try to set a batch size greater than 1, I have some errors.

I’ve tried many different test, but it still the same : I can’t finish a epoch (sometimes error appears during the forward, and sometimes during the loss).

Sorry but I haven’t kept every solution I’ve tried, so here is the “running” one.

Some of the code are inspired by this one : GraphNeuralNet/ at master · praxidike97/GraphNeuralNet · GitHub

To not overload the post, here is only the important steps of my code (still long, sorry) :

class GCNN_EL(InMemoryDataset):
    def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None):
        super(GCNN_EL, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[1])

class SimpleConv(MessagePassing):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, aggr="max", **kwargs):
        super(SimpleConv, self).__init__(aggr=aggr, **kwargs)
        self.lin = Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=True)
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
    def reset_parameters(self):
    def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr):
        return self.propagate(edge_index, x=self.lin(x.type('torch.FloatTensor').to(device)), edge_attr=edge_attr)
    def message(self, x_i, x_j, edge_attr):
        return self.relu(x_j)

class Net(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,nb_convs,edge_nb_feats):
        for i in range(nb_convs):
            self.convs_mod.append(SimpleConv(conv_input_size, 4).to(device))
            conv_input_size = 4
            conv_total_size += conv_input_size
        self.lin1 = torch.nn.Linear(1525*4, 3000)
        self.lin2 = torch.nn.Linear(3000, 1500)
        self.lin3 = torch.nn.Linear(1500, 500)
        self.lin4 = torch.nn.Linear(500, 1)
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
    def forward(self, data):
        convs = []
        for c in self.convs_mod:
            nf = c(data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)
        flat =[convs[-1]], dim=1).reshape(-1,)
        padded = torch.nn.ConstantPad1d((0, 1525*4-flat.shape[0]), 0)(flat)
        hid1 = self.relu(self.lin1(padded))
        hid2 = self.relu(self.lin2(hid1))
        hid3 = self.relu(self.lin3(hid2))
        out = self.lin4(hid3)
        return out

dataset = GCNN_EL('data')
dataset = dataset.shuffle()
# Only 32 for testing purpose
dataset = dataset[:32]

train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=16)

model = Net(5, 1)
model =
crit = torch.nn.MSELoss().cuda()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

for e in range(0, epoch):
    print("####################    Training - Epoch %d/%d"%(e+1, epoch))
    for data in train_loader:
        data =
        output = model.forward(data)
        loss = crit(output.float(), data.tag.float())
        running_loss += loss.item()

Inside the loop over the epochs, the Batch data is like :
Batch(batch=[8552], edge_attr=[8552, 1], edge_index=[2, 8552], x=[8552, 1], y=[16])

And the actual error is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 396, in <module>
    output = model.forward(data)
  File "./", line 282, in forward
    nf = c(data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)
  File "/opt/exp_soft/", line 550, in __call__
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "./", line 206, in forward
    return self.propagate(edge_index, x=self.lin(x.type('torch.FloatTensor').to(device)), edge_attr=edge_attr)
  File "/opt/exp_soft/", line 550, in __call__
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/exp_soft/", line 87, in forward
    return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias)
  File "/opt/exp_soft/", line 1610, in linear
    ret = torch.addmm(bias, input, weight.t())
RuntimeError: size mismatch, m1: [8552 x 1], m2: [4 x 4] at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/generic/

Please tell me if you need more details.

Thanks in advance if some has a lead.

I think that it is not related to batch size rather to an input with different shape. Try plot the shape of the input in debug mode to validate that the input at the timestamp is proper.

Thanks for your quick answer.

The reason (maybe wrong) why I’m saying it’s because of the batch size, is because when I set at 1, it works. If it’s greater, it doesn’t.

Here is the input, just before applying the first conv :

data: Batch(batch=[8552], edge_attr=[8552, 1], edge_index=[2, 8552], x=[8552, 1], y=[16])
data.x: tensor([[0.6605],
        [0.3102]], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float64)
data.edge_index: tensor([[   0,    1,    2,  ..., 8549, 8550, 8551],
        [   0,    1,    2,  ..., 8549, 8550, 8551]], device='cuda:0')
data.edge_attr: tensor([[0.],
        [0.]], device='cuda:0')
data.x.shape: torch.Size([8552, 1])
data.edge_index.shape: torch.Size([2, 8552])
data.edge_attr.shape: torch.Size([8552, 1])
data: Batch(batch=[8552], edge_attr=[8552, 1], edge_index=[2, 8552], x=[8552, 1], y=[16])
data.x: tensor([[0.6605],
        [0.3102]], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float64)
data.edge_index: tensor([[   0,    1,    2,  ..., 8549, 8550, 8551],
        [   0,    1,    2,  ..., 8549, 8550, 8551]], device='cuda:0')
data.edge_attr: tensor([[0.],
        [0.]], device='cuda:0')
data.x.shape: torch.Size([8552, 1])
data.edge_index.shape: torch.Size([2, 8552])
data.edge_attr.shape: torch.Size([8552, 1])

Hope you have what you are looking for.

Can you please post here the forward function of your model?

The forward function is in the first post.
Here is the MessagePassing forward function :

    def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr):
        return self.propagate(edge_index, x=self.lin(x.type('torch.FloatTensor').to(device)), edge_attr=edge_attr)

And here, the Module forward function :

    def forward(self, data):
        convs = []
        for c in self.convs_mod:
            nf = c(data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)
        flat =[convs[-1]], dim=1).reshape(-1,)
        padded = torch.nn.ConstantPad1d((0, 1525*4-flat.shape[0]), 0)(flat)
        hid1 = self.relu(self.lin1(padded))
        hid2 = self.relu(self.lin2(hid1))
        hid3 = self.relu(self.lin3(hid2))
        out = self.lin4(hid3)
        return out

Hope it’s what you want

The problem is in this line, you are flatting the vector with the batch dimension.

cat =[convs[-1]], dim=1)
flat = cat.view(cat .size(0), -1)

This should fix that.

With your modification the error still there but you lead me to right direction !

My error was crazy… In the loop over the convs in the forward :

for c in self.convs_mod:
            nf = c(data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)

I’m using data.XXX instead of the result (nf in my case). And you have to know that the first conv take 1 feature in input per node, but there 4 features in output. And the second conv take obviously 4 inputs.

Here is my modification :

def forward(self, data):
        convs = []
        nf = data.x
        edge_attr = data.edge_attr
        edge_index = data.edge_index
        for c in self.convs_mod:
            nf = c(nf, edge_index, edge_attr)

And now the forward works well !

Thanks a lot to lead me to my mistake.