[BUG] Error in IR Parsing

IR was parsed incorrectly in my model. This figure is the IR before optimization.

Node Sub_222 takes the output of node Sub_218 as input. However, according to model definition, node Sub_222 should take the output of node Sub_75 as input.

By comparing the output of onnxruntime and glow, we can see that their outputs are distinct.
Output of glow:

[-0.739504, -1.052964, -0.534131, 5.725131, -0.620840, 0.500555, -0.534597, -0.752423, -1.010234, -0.980949, -0.205358, -0.453785, -0.832007, -0.688429, -0.922111, -0.895277, -0.868738, -0.921780, 6.306086, -0.518604, -0.213386, -0.011572, -0.820208, -0.743337, -0.906267, -0.893010, -0.847203, -0.903244, 5.790097, -0.451872, 5.332690, -0.714664, -0.335419, -0.657884, -0.790886, -0.894692, -0.879946, -0.748844, -0.098925, -0.211423]

Output of onnxruntime:

[-7.4040246e-01 -1.0558734e+00 -5.1735407e-01  5.7158279e+00
 -6.1898971e-01  4.8943144e-01 -5.3290629e-01 -7.5109071e-01
 -1.0089742e+00 -9.7962463e-01 -2.0205033e-01 -5.6859511e-01
 -8.3097059e-01 -6.0609245e-01 -9.2153203e-01 -8.8401651e-01
 -8.7050164e-01 -9.2254686e-01  6.3326435e+00 -5.2634275e-01
 -2.1332517e-01 -3.9393596e-02 -8.1680071e-01 -7.4010015e-01
 -9.0249908e-01 -9.0031099e-01 -8.4391767e-01 -8.9972508e-01
  5.8119040e+00 -4.5583522e-01  5.3716774e+00 -7.6865733e-01
 -3.2050097e-01 -6.3881731e-01 -7.8147006e-01 -8.8674474e-01
 -8.7157524e-01 -7.5937271e-01  1.0185465e-03 -3.4555185e-01]

System Info:
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04LTS
Glow: build from github commit 07a82bd9fe97dfd2e8ea0f4742dce5ce86177c2b

How to reproduce:
Follow README.txt in this link to reproduce