[C++ exception]: c10::Error at memory location

After some research and debugging work, I just figure out what’s wrong. Basically I forgot to make my network cuda enable. Just add one line of code and it works fine now. Source code:

#include <torch/torch.h>

using namespace torch;

struct ConvNet : nn::Module
        :conv1(nn::Conv2dOptions(2, 10, { 1 , 1 }).stride(1).padding(0).with_bias(true))
        register_module("Conv1", conv1);

    Tensor forward(Tensor input)
        auto x = conv1->forward(input);  // <--- where exception happens.
        return x;

    nn::Conv2d conv1{nullptr};

int main()
    Tensor input = torch::randn({ 2, 2, 3, 3 });
    input = input.cuda();
    std::cout << input << std::endl;

    std::shared_ptr<ConvNet> mNet = std::make_shared<ConvNet>();
    std::cout << mNet->forward(input) << std::endl;
    return 0;