Calc Loss Resulting in Out of Memory

The origin Loss Function is ,
and W = 192, H = 192, D = 200
Thus I worte a Loss Class,

class CrossEntropyLoass(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CrossEntropyLoass, self).__init__()

    '''test is V, output is V^'''
    def forward(self, output, test):
        start_time = time.time()
        count, d, w, h = test.shape
        losses = 0
        for i in range(w):
            for j in range(h):
                for k in range(d):

                    losses += torch.mul(test[0][k][i][j],  torch.log(output[0][k][i][j])) + torch.mul((1-test[0][k][i][j]) ,  torch.log(1 - output[0][k][i][j]))

        cost_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('Costed time {:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format(cost_time // 60, cost_time % 60))
        return losses

it’s called by

loss = criterion(output, test_vol)

the shape of output and test_vol are torch.Size([1, 200, 192, 192]).
But it seems take up too much memory, I haven’t finished calc one loss, it shut down with errors out of memory.

THCudaCheck FAIL file=c:\users\administrator\downloads\new-builder\win-wheel\pytorch\aten\src\thc\generic/ line=58 error=2 : out of memory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:/2018/formal/pytorch/human_pose/", line 184, in <module>
  File "E:/2018/formal/pytorch/human_pose/", line 172, in main
    loss = criterion(output, vol)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 491, in __call__
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "E:/2018/formal/pytorch/human_pose/", line 89, in forward
    losses += torch.mul(test[0][k][i][j],  torch.log(output[0][k][i][j])) + torch.mul((1-test[0][k][i][j]) ,  torch.log(1 - output[0][k][i][j]))
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 317, in __rsub__
    return -self + other
RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (2) : out of memory at c:\users\administrator\downloads\new-builder\win-wheel\pytorch\aten\src\thc\generic/

I know the calculated amount is very big, 192x192x200 = 7372800, I wana know how to optimize this loss function, thus I can train my network.
Thanks all!!!