Can I find grad on the output of a nn wrt input?

class fun():
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=True).double()
        self.loss_history = []
        self.model = nn.Sequential(

    def cost_function(self):
        output = self.model(self.x)
        temp = output*100
        dx = torch.autograd.grad(temp, self.x[:,0], torch.ones(self.x.size()[0], 1, device=device), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, allow_unused=True)[0]
        loss = torch.sum(dx**2)
    def closure(self):
        loss = self.cost_function()
        return loss

    # Training function
    def train(self, epochs, opt_func=torch.optim.Adam):
        self.optimizer = opt_func(self.model.parameters())

        for epoch in range(epochs):

fun_model = fun(position_61x61)


I am getting the following error

TypeError : unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): ‘NoneType’ and ‘int’

Your dx is None. Could you print dx? If its None, storing dx as “Variable” might help!

As @swap said, your error emerges from the fact that dx is of type None and None ** 2 is undefined. The use of Variable() is deprecated and shouldn’t be used, also when you define self.x as torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=True).double() you’re breaking your computation graph. Simply define it is as,

self.x = x.double().requries_grad=True

If you’re trying to get the gradient of the output w.r.t the inputs you can just do dx = torch.autograd.grad(output, self.x, torch.ones_like(self.x), ...) and redefine the loss to be torch.sum( (100*dx)**2 ). You can then use torch.einsum to format the output into the shape you want.

Also, your cost_function doesn’t return the loss so that’ll be a future error as well. Add return loss, and be careful with retain_graph=True as that might result in a memory leak if used improperly.

Finally, do you need to have everything within a class? Because it might be significantly easier to just write it as a script!

x is an numpy object and need to be converted to tensor.
so I tried this
self.x = torch.from_numpy(x).double() self.x.requires_grad=True
Again the grad returns None type. Can you explain why I am getting none as output for grad or a way to counter this problem. As far as I know that the output is an function of input, therefore we can find grad of output wrt to input. Also is reshaping an in place operation?

Did you correct this mistake? The cost_function does return anything and hence will default to None.

I corrected the cost_function but the error is same.

Can you share an updated version of your code? So I know what you’ve changed?

class fun():
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = torch.from_numpy(x).double()
        self.loss_history = []
        self.model = nn.Sequential(

    def cost_function(self):
        output = self.model(self.x)
        temp = output*100
        dx = torch.autograd.grad(temp, self.x[:,0], torch.ones_like(self.x[:,1].unsqueeze(-1)), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, allow_unused=True)[0]
        loss = torch.sum(dx**2)
        return loss
    def closure(self):
        loss = self.cost_function()
        return loss

    # Training function
    def train(self, epochs, opt_func=torch.optim.Adam):
        self.optimizer = opt_func(self.model.parameters())

        for epoch in range(epochs):
            self.epoch_end(epoch, epochs, print_every=100)
    def epoch_end(self, epoch, epochs, print_every=100):
        if epoch == 0 or epoch == (epochs - 1) or epoch % print_every == 0 or print_every == 'all':
            print("Epoch [{}/{}], train_loss: {:.4f}".format(epoch, epochs, self.loss_history[epoch]))

this is the changed code.

Can you replace the line above with this below, and print out the shape of it?

dx = torch.autograd.grad(temp, self.x, torch.ones_like(temp), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True)[0]

The dx is no more none.

But I want to do calculations for only one column doing for both unnecessary increases complexity. Can you suggest something. Can you explain why I was getting none earlier.

If I had to guess, you can’t used torch.autograd.grad with respect to a part of an input like x[:,0]. x[:,0] isn’t part of the graph, but x is.

(Only guess so if someone does know, please do correct it)