Can not execute backward() after expand()

Hi. I will try to clarify as I understand it myself.

  1. It is not expand, there the problem is rising, if you not changing a, the code is working:
a = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(torch.ones(3,1)), requires_grad=True)
b = a.expand(3,4)
c = a.repeat(1,4)

d = torch.sum(3*b)
  1. The error is giving a small clue (but clue) on what is the matter, it is about “unreachable”. And the problem is in this code a[0,0] = 3. You are basically making some part of a to not requires_grad and so make this part unreachable for backward computation. But if you change the code like this:[0,0] = 3. It will change only data and not requires_grad and messing up with computational graph. And all the code will work as expected.

I believe, I may not be 100% correct in details of my explanation but the main idea should be correct.

As of the difference between expand and repeat, this post can be of some help to you.
