Cannot adapt seq-to-binary lstm classifier into 10x classifier due to: ValueError: Expected input batch_size (2) to match target batch_size (512)

Thank you @vdw. More code below

My apologies, the batches are size 512. The sequences are sentences of variable length k-mers, which are tokenized and then put into an embedding layer. There are 10 possible output classes and the true label for each sentence is to be classified.

Example shape of a batch.sequence is 208,512, example shape of corresponding batch.label is 512.

I fixed the value error by reducing the num_layers to =1 and making the LSTM non-bidirectional… however, now im rather concerned the classifier is taking the wrong shape of the sequence tensor to make predictions with / trained on. I’m basically not sure whether or not I should transpose the batch.sequence as it enters the RNN… When I try hidden[-1].squeeze(0) instead of hidden.squeeze(0) I can get the >1 layer + bidirectional version to work without errors, I’m not sure what [-1] is doing to make it work.

Code of the Parameters:

Parameters 2

N_LAYERS = 1 # before this was 4 when I got above error, accuracies have dropped from 86%, down to 40% on 10th epoch, the hidden[-1].squeeze(0) allows the >1 layer + bidirectional lstm to work without the above error but I don’t know what [-1] is doing…
INPUT_SIZE = 1500 # input = a 300-dimensional vector for embedding
BIDIRECTIONAL = False # before this was 4 when I got above error, accuracies have dropped from 86%, down to 40% on 10th epoch, the hidden[-1].squeeze(0) allows the >1 layer + bidirectional lstm to work without the above error but I don’t know what [-1] is doing…

Code of the LSTM class:


class LSTMClassifier(nn.Module):


# initial setup of the RNN, ..
# .. given user parameters, notice we have [at least] 3 layers: 
# 		1. embedding, 
#  		2. encoder [x N_LAYERS], 
# 		3. predictor

def __init__(self, hidden_size, embedding_dim, vocab_size, n_lstm_layers, n_classes, bidirectional):  # bespoke @ANDY:@DEBUG:@1818 this may be causing a bug, below is default
#def __init__(self, hidden_size, embedding_dim, vocab_size):  # ^
	super(LSTMClassifier, self).__init__()

	#self.embedding 	= nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim) # @ANDY:@DEBUG:@1818 this leads to error: "RuntimeError: index out of range: Tried to access index 20000 out of table with 19999 rows. at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1579022060824/work/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensorEvenMoreMath.cpp:418", so a crude fix is the line below
	self.embedding 	= nn.Embedding(vocab_size +2, embedding_dim) # see ^
	self.encoder 	= nn.LSTM( 	input_size  = embedding_dim, 
								hidden_size = hidden_size,
								num_layers  = n_lstm_layers)
								#bidirectional = bidirectional) # @20201120:@latest:@nownow: we get input dim 2 error due to bidirectional!   # @ANDY:@DEBUG:@1818 this leads to error: "RuntimeError: index out of range: Tried to access index 20000 out of table with 19999 rows. at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1579022060824/work/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensorEvenMoreMath.cpp:418", so a crude fix is the line below
	#self.predictor 	= nn.Linear(hidden_size, N_OUT_CLASSES )  # bespoke @ANDY:@DEBUG:@1818 this may be causing a bug, below is default // arg1 = size of input, arg2 = number of output classes, see: (CTRL+F: "nn.Linear")
	# @20201120 - the book doesnt explain why below has arg2 = 2, this is meant to be the size of the output according to:
	self.predictor 	= nn.Linear(hidden_size, 10 )  # ^ // arg1 = size of input, arg2 = number of output classes, see: (CTRL+F: "nn.Linear")
	#self.predictor 	= nn.Linear(hidden_size, n_classes )  # ^ // arg1 = size of input, arg2 = number of output classes, see: (CTRL+F: "nn.Linear")


# This is how the model makes predictions, 
# .. given an input (training: u/ later to calculate losses & backprops )
def forward( self, seq ):

		output, (hidden,_) 	= self.encoder(self.embedding(seq))
		# @20201120 - below is before, and the not commented one below that is how it is according ot the book
		#preds 				= self.predictor(hidden[-1].squeeze(0))  # e.g. remove 1D entries from the shape of an array, see:
		#pdb.set_trace() ## @latest:@now
		preds 				= self.predictor(hidden.squeeze(0))  # e.g. remove 1D entries from the shape of an array, see:

	except Exception as ex:
		[max(seq[i]) for i in range(seq.shape[0])]

	return preds 

Code of the training:

def training( epochs, model, optimizer, criterion, train_iterator, valid_iterator ):


OPTIMIZER = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=2e-2) # for e.g. of model, see: “class LSTMClassifier”, lr is learning_rate
CRITERION = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # loss calculation choice, for strictly binary try CTRL+F: “BCE on page 83 of PyTorch for Deep Learning - O’Reilly”
train( N_EPOCHS, MODEL, OPTIMIZER, CRITERION, train_iterator, valid_iterator )


for epoch in range(1, epochs+1):

  training_loss 	= 0.0 # restart
  valid_loss 		= 0.0 # ^

  # Training set learning
  model.train() 	# recursion? or is this a method within LSTMClassifier


  for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(train_iterator):


  	#model.zero_grad() 						# 1. restart [the gradients (?)]

  	optimizer.zero_grad() 						# 1. restart [the gradients (?)]

  	predict = model( batch.sequence )

  	# if len(predict.shape)==2: # if num_layers = 1, then we wrap it in a list else, later we get slicing errors
  	# 	#print("Layers is 1")
  	# 	predict = [model( batch.sequence )] 			# 2. predict [the output labels]
  	# 	#pdb.set_trace()
  	# else:
  	# 	pass


  	## machine test layer 0 

  	#pdb.set_trace() ## @20201120 - debugging - expected input batch+size (2) to match target batch_size (512) @LATEST

  	loss = criterion( predict, batch.label )# 3. loss [check mistaken predictions via criterion]

  	# }} // {{ 

  	# ## machine test layer 1
  	# loss = criterion( predict[-1], batch.label )# 3. loss [check mistaken predictions via criterion]


  	loss.backward() 						# 4. backward [backpropagate to learn from mistakes]
  	optimizer.step() 						# 5. optimise [the gradient changes to given learning rate]

  	training_loss += * batch.sequence.size(0) # accumulate losses for summary prints

  training_loss /= len(train_iterator) # account for the size of dataset

  model.eval() # @TODO: wtf?

  # Validation set learning
  correct = 0
  total 	= 0
  for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(valid_iterator):

  	predict = model( batch.sequence ) 				# 1. prediction
  	# if len(predict.shape)==2: # if num_layers = 1, then we wrap it in a list else, later we get slicing errors
  	# 	#print("Layers is 1")
  	# 	predict = [model( batch.sequence )] 			# 2. predict [the output labels]
  	# 	#pdb.set_trace()
  	# else:
  	# 	pass


  	## machine layer 0 - when num_layers = 2
  	loss = criterion( predict, batch.label ) 	# 2. loss 

  	# }} // {{

  	# ## machine layer n - when num_layers = 2
  	# loss = criterion( predict[-1], batch.label ) 	# 2. loss 

  	valid_loss += * batch.sequence.size(0) 	#  accumulate losses for validation set

  	## neater
  	# accuracy updates


  	## machine test layer 0 - when num_layers = 2
  	preds 	=, keepdim=True)[1]  # getting all predicted output classes for entire batch as a vector

  	# }} // {{ 

  	# ## machine test layer n - when num_layers = 2
  	# preds 	= predict[-1].data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1]  # getting all predicted output classes for entire batch as a vector


  	# ## default - when num_layers = 1 
  	# preds 	=, keepdim=True)[1]  # getting all predicted output classes for entire batch as a vector
  	# correct += float(preds.eq( # compare predictions to actual validation set class outputs, and sums the correct answers

  	## machine test layer 0  - when num_layers = 2
  	# accuracy updates
  	correct += float(, keepdim=True)[1].eq(, keepdim=True)[1])).cpu().sum())

  	# }} // {{ 

  	# ## machine test layer n  - when num_layers = 2
  	# # accuracy updates
  	# correct += float(predict[-1].data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1].eq([-1].data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1])).cpu().sum())


  	total += len(preds)

  valid_loss /= len(valid_iterator)
  accuracy = (correct/total)*100.0

  # Validation set learning
  print("Epoch: {}, Training Loss: {:.2f}, Validation Loss: {:.2f}, Accuracy: {:.2f}%".format( 	epoch, 
  																			accuracy) )

Code of the train-test-valid Bucket Iterator

Deterministic Results - for testing & reproducibility

seed = 1

1. getting our data - treating then saving again

print(“Reading pre-processed raw data…”)
d = pd.read_csv( “./data/”+d_filename+“.csv”, header = None, engine = “python”)

print(“Preview of raw data…”)
print(d.head(5)) # show some data

print(“Cleaning & processing raw data…”)

@20201120 - have to slice a different column now, since we have column 0 = pid, default is the commented out line

d[“log2foldexpression_cat”] = d[1].astype(“category”) # create new column, for the output “sentiment” class

d[“log2foldexpression_cat”] = d[2].astype(“category”) # create new column, for the output “sentiment” class
d[“output_class”] = d[“log2foldexpression_cat”] # yet a new column, as binary 0 vs. 1

print(“Saving processed data, and generating separate smaller sub-sample for testing…”)
device_suffix = DEVICE.replace(“:”,“_”)

d_path = “./data/”+d_filename+“_”+device_suffix+“_processed.csv”
d.to_csv( d_path, header = None, index = None ) # save to new file
d.sample(1000).to_csv( “./data/train-processed-sample.csv”, header = None, index = None ) # save small sample for testing on

Code of the (need help the most) generating error rate file

with open(“error_rate_20201120_pids_included_v2.dat”, “w”) as fo: # uncommented below, so that a different error.dat file for testing
#with open(“error_rate.dat”, “w”) as fo:



correct = 0
total 	= 0

for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(valid_iterator):

	predict = lstm_classifier( batch.sequence ) # @added .T
	#predict = model( batch.sequence ) 				# 1. prediction
	# if len(predict.shape)==2: # if num_layers = 1, then we wrap it in a list else, later we get slicing errors
	# 	#print("Layers is 1")
	# 	predict = [model( batch.sequence )] 			# 2. predict [the output labels]
	# 	#pdb.set_trace()
	# else:
	# 	pass


	## machine layer 0 - when num_layers = 2
	#loss = criterion( predict, batch.label ) 	# 2. loss 

	# }} // {{

	# ## machine layer n - when num_layers = 2
	# loss = criterion( predict[-1], batch.label ) 	# 2. loss 


	#valid_loss += * batch.sequence.size(0) 	#  accumulate losses for validation set

	## neater
	# accuracy updates


	## machine test layer 0 - when num_layers = 2
	preds 	=, keepdim=True)[1]  # getting all predicted output classes for entire batch as a vector

	# }} // {{ 

	# ## machine test layer n - when num_layers = 2
	# preds 	= predict[-1].data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1]  # getting all predicted output classes for entire batch as a vector


	# ## default - when num_layers = 1 
	# preds 	=, keepdim=True)[1]  # getting all predicted output classes for entire batch as a vector
	# correct += float(preds.eq( # compare predictions to actual validation set class outputs, and sums the correct answers

	## machine test layer 0  - when num_layers = 2
	# accuracy updates
	correct += float(, keepdim=True)[1].eq(, keepdim=True)[1])).cpu().sum())

	# }} // {{ 

	labels =, keepdim=True)[1])

	# @20201120 - @RawField testing if we can add pids to the error_data.dst file
	#pids =, keepdim=True)[1])
		# @20201120 - @RawFiled again the below one fails, so we just hope to god that keepings pids as a list will map pid to correct label/sequence uncommented below is @default
		# pids =, keepdim=True)[1]) 
		pids =
		pdb.set_trace() # @LATEST, keepdim=True)[1])

	for i2, pred in enumerate(preds):

		# @20201120:0155hrs the below failed, due to pids being a string and not tensor, so we try to just treat it as a list -- ctrlf:"o we just hope to god"
		# @20201120: failed  // uncommented the default below, to add pids @20201120 - testing @RawField
		#fo.write(str([0])+"\t"+str(labels[i2].data.cpu().numpy()[0])+"\n")  # @default original OldPeteV12

	# ## machine test layer n  - when num_layers = 2
	# # accuracy updates
	# correct += float(predict[-1].data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1].eq([-1].data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1])).cpu().sum())


	total += len(preds)

#valid_loss /= len(valid_iterator)
accuracy = (correct/total)*100.0

2. Defining fields - torchtext allows us to choose input and output data from the dataset

print(“Defining fields for the dataloader…”)

LABEL = data.LabelField() # by default sets sequential (text) to False, since it is a numerical output: 0, 1, 2, etc.

INPUT = data.Field( tokenize=“spacy”, lower=True ) # Linguistic Features · spaCy Usage Documentation

import revtok

INPUT = data.Field( tokenize=“revtok”, lower=True ) # Linguistic Features · spaCy Usage Documentation

added: (“pid”, PID) RawField so e.g. AT1G66370.p can be identified in error.dat file

PID = data.RawField()

fields = [ (“pid”, PID), (“sequence”, INPUT), (“log2foldexpression”, None), (“log2foldexpression_cat”, None), (“label”, LABEL) ] # map LABEL and INPUT into the CSV rows

processed_dataset =
path = d_path, # full 1.6 mil INPUTs
#path = “./data/train-processed-sample.csv”, # 10k sample

3. Split into test, train and validation sets

print(“Splitting data into: training set, validation set and test set…”)

(train, test, valid) = processed_dataset.split(split_ratio = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]) # proportions of each

LABEL.build_vocab(train) # see below: to debug: “AttributeError: ‘LabelField’ object has no attribute ‘vocab’”

#PID.build_vocab(train) # @20201120 we rturned RawField into Field and then build_vocab, since it will otherwise not be a tensor, which confuses downstream

print( len(train), len(test), len(valid) ) # check they look like the right ratios


if len(train) + len(test) + len(valid) == len(processed_dataset):
print(“TEST 1 PASSED!”)

print(“Preview of examples of the training set…”)

interesting examples from: path = “./data/train-processed-sample.csv”, replicate these by uncommenting the line matching: CTRL+F: “10k sample”

print(vars(train.examples[121])) # e.g. TP: predicted sentiment: “happy”, clearly it is!
print(vars(train.examples[1010])) # e.g. FP: predicted sentiment: “happy”, but is it really happy?
print(vars(train.examples[1])) # e.g. TN: predicted sentiment: “sad”, clearly it is!
print(vars(train.examples[1901])) # e.g. FN: predicted sentiment: “sad”, but is it really sad?

print("Maximum number of k-mers for a given promoter is: ",max([len(vars(train.examples[i])[‘sequence’]) for i in range(len(train))]))

input_guess = max([len(vars(train.examples[i])[‘sequence’]) for i in range(len(train))])

4. Building a vocabulary - embedding layer is now added // one-hot-encoder (bad)

print(“Building vocabulary…”)

vocab_size = VOCAB_SIZE # to restrict the vocabulary, which saves memory
INPUT.build_vocab(train, max_size = vocab_size)

print(len(INPUT.vocab)) # check how big our vocabulary is, it will always add two additional words:
# … for unknown, and …
# … a padding token u/ to pad our text to roughly the same length.
# NOTE: eos_token and init_token symbols can be specified, which are not default.

print("Total number of unique k-mer words is: ",len(INPUT.vocab.freqs.keys()))

print(“Most frequent k-mer words…”)
print(INPUT.vocab.freqs.most_common(10)) # 10 most common words

5. Build the Batch DataLoader

print(“Generating batches of data to iterate over training…”)

train_iterator, valid_iterator, test_iterator = data.BucketIterator.splits( (train, valid, test), batch_size = BATCH_SIZE, device = DEVICE, sort=False) # @TODO:dataparallel to work with 2 x GPUs

train_iterator, test_iterator, valid_iterator = data.BucketIterator.splits( (train, test, valid), batch_size = BATCH_SIZE, device = DEVICE) # @TODO:dataparallel to work with 2 x GPUs