Can't convert a given np.ndarray to a tensor

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
xy = pd.read_csv("all.csv",names=['pm2.5','pm10,s02','no2','co','o3','tem','hig_tem','low_tem','rain','qiya','shidu','zuixiaoshidu','fengsu_10min','fengsu','rizuidafengsu','rizhao'])
x_data = xy.iloc[6:-1,:-1].values
y_data = xy.iloc[:6,:-1].values

x_data = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_data))
y_data = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_data))

I want to run an RNN but i can’t solve the data problem . Then i got an error:

RuntimeError: can't convert a given np.ndarray to a tensor - it has an invalid type. The only supported types are: double, float, int64, int32, and uint8.

how can i make it available?

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Can you print the type of your data? you might have to cast it as a one of the accepted types before you convert?


[[-164.2 -211.7 -87.2 -25.8 -1272.1]
[-27.8 4.1 34.0 6.6 -381.1]
[64.5 111.9 129.7 30.8 788.7]
[170.9 241.6 44.3 36.4 2754.0]
[-259.6 -403.2 -207.5 -65.5 -3982.6]]

Seeing floats doesn’t necessarily mean it is a float. What does x_data.dtype return? Try and explicitly cast x_data as a type. x_data.astype(dtype = 'float32)

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the x_data.dtype is object and i try

x_data = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_data))

but i failed
get this result:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '#VALUE!'

basically you need to remove all the rows that contain #value!. the data set you are using doesn’t contain only numbers as I expected. Once you have removed these values it should work. Also try and make sense of the error messages… sometimes they are not very helpful but in this case it is.

thanks very much
i will try again

i try to make data small and accurate

xy = pd.read_csv("all.csv",names=['pm2.5','pm10,s02','no2','co','o3','tem','hig_tem','low_tem','rain','qiya','shidu','zuixiaoshidu','fengsu_10min','fengsu','rizuidafengsu','rizhao'])
x_data = xy.iloc[7:16,:2192].values
y_data = xy.iloc[:6,:2192].values

x_data = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_data))


RuntimeError: can't convert a given np.ndarray to a tensor - it has an invalid type. The only supported types are: double, float, int64, int32, and uint8.

and i have checked the data …there is no #VALUE

Could you please print np.unique(x_data) before passing it to the tensor constructor?
As @Tank explained there seem to be some invalid values in your array.

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the result of np.unique(x_data)

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'str'

but i don’t know where the str?

you probably have some sort of nan value or empty string e.g. ’ ’ somewhere. Trying np.unique() on each column or row of the dataset might help you narrow down the problem.

I had a similar problem when converting data read from pandas to PyTorch.
I was able to solve it using pd.to_numeric(...)

Hence, for the code at the top, the fix could be:

x_data = pd.to_numeric(xy.iloc[6:-1,:-1].values)
y_data = pd.to_numeric(xy.iloc[:6,:-1].values)