Computational graph not getting freed properly using BPTT

Hi, i get the error “Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already been freed.” even though i use hidden = hidden.detach() after loss.backward().

I split a long sequence into many batches, where each batch is a slice of the long sequence at a time-step with a given slice-length.

I then run the slice through my network and get output and hidden. However i dont want to BPTT each timestep but rather at some interval, lets say each 20 time steps.

I then run through 20 batches and update output, hidden each step. At step 20 i calculate loss, and do loss.backward(). To clear computational graph for next 20 steps i detach hidden states using hidden = hidden.detach(). However at next loss.backward() i get the error.

Is there a way to completely delete the computational graph?

My training loop:

def train(epoch):
    print("Training Initiated!")
    losses = []
    #Run through all sequences:
    for step, (data, target) in enumerate(train_set_all):
        print("Sequence #%d"%(step))
        X = data 
        y = target
        y = y[:,0:1,:]
        y = y.view(-1,3)
        max_seq_size = 4000
        #If track is less than max_seq_size samples, skip track
        if X.size(2) < max_seq_size:
            print("Sequence too short, skipped!")
        stride_length = 8 #with stride 8, and 3 poolings 1 sample in output matches 8 samples in input 
        batch_size = 400
        #Clip track
        X = X[:,:,:max_seq_size]  # Clip data to max_seq_size
        #Zero-pad start of sequence so first prediction only uses first 8 samples for classification
        m = nn.ConstantPad1d((batch_size-stride_length, 0), 0)
        X = m(X)
        #Generate batches from sequence:
        batches = []
        for start_pos in range(0, max_seq_size, stride_length):
            end_pos = start_pos + batch_size
            batch = np.copy(X[:,:,start_pos:end_pos])
        #Initialize hidden state once for each sequence:
        hidden = Net.init_hidden(model)
        #How often to BPTT
        TBTT_step = 10
        # The following two lists hold output of the model, and
        # the target.
        predicted, true = [], []
        #Run one batch at a time:
        for idx, nbatch in enumerate(batches):
            start_time = time.time()
            print("Batch number #%d" %(idx))
            output, hidden = model(nbatch, hidden, batch_size)

            #Update optimizer and calculate loss every TBTT_step batches: (hidden gets updates each sample)
            if idx % TBTT_step == 0:
                #loss = criterion(output, y[:,nbatch*batch_size+batch_size-1:nbatch*batch_size+batch_size].reshape(1).long())
                loss = torch.mean(criterion(,
                # Reset gradient
                #Release hidden
                hidden = hidden.detach()
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        if step > 500: #Only run through 500 sequences(tracks)
            return losses

I solved it by also deleting predicted and true.
Adding the following line after calculating loss:

#Release predicted and true
predicted, true = [], []

You can also .detach() the tensors and append them to your lists, if you need them for further calculations.

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