[Contributors Welcome] Add missing torch::nn layers in C++ API

I can try and work with the Normalization layer implementations.

I would like to work on ReflectionPad1d and ReflectionPad2d

Hi would love to work on the Loss Functions

Hi ,I would like to work on CrossEntropyLoss and NLLLoss.

@yf225, please let me know in case of any conflicts.

Thanks everyone for your interest! We now have many great example PRs at https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/25883, and please let us know (by responding in the Github issue) if there is any layer you would like to work on. :smiley:

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I would go with MXNet over PyTorch even though when using Python I prefer PyTorch. MXNet is open to having language bindings in multiple languages. Once you get a minimum viable product you could donate it to the main project. Bindings that are part of such a large well known project are likely to attract more contributors than bindings maintained under your account for PyTorch (I could not see PyTorch officially supporting Rust).