Convert a per-class weight dict to a per-sample weight vector

For each class I have a weight (due to having underrepresented classes) and I would like to apply that weight to the corresponding samples in the batch when computing the loss function.

The weight parameters of pytorch loss functions expect a per-sample weight vector. So my question is, how do you efficiently convert a class weights dictionary (as in the code below) to a per-sample weight vector ?

In the code below, the true_labels is the target vector that has values 0, 1, or 2. Is there an efficient way to implement class2sample_weights ?

Two probably inefficient approaches I considered are:

  1. convert true_labels into numpy and apply dict key to value transform to get the sample vector weight;

  2. create a float tensor of ones (whose size is the number of samples) call it weights. Then loop over the class labels in true_labels where in each iteration get the indices of the class and set the corresponding weights values to the appropriate class weight.

Is there a better approach ?

# key is the class label, value is the weight
class_weights = {0: 1/10, 1:8/10, 2:1/10}
sample_weights = class2sample_weights(true_labels, class_weights)

F.nll_loss(F.log_softmax(pred), true_labels, weights=sample_weights)

As far as I understand the loss function requires weight of per class and not per-sample,

The size of weight vector is [nclasses]

oh you are right. I could have sworn I saw it require a per-sample weight vector! weird.

Thanks for the catch!

PS: it would still be interesting to know whether there is an efficient way to map values from a vector to their respective values using a dict.

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