Covert Conv-TasNet from torch to onnx successfully, but not work

I coverted Conv-TasNet from torch to onnx. Follow steps from website (Pytoch onnx). Then used $“testing.assert_almost_equal” to verify output. The orignal TasNet pre-trained model worked, however the result of onnx are zeros. Its weights seems to be all zero, and the output dimension also different. I cann’t figure which step was wrong.

Here is my project.
Run onnx will be save in checkpoints.
Also write a to campare result.

I tried to figure out the problem. So I checked the code again.

torch.onnx.export(model, input,

I set up export_params=True, and test .onnx with onnxruntime the ouput are still all zeros. It seems that the weights are not be saved.