Custom autograd not updating

Hi, I am trying to learn a scalar parameter to define a matrix, so I have written a custom autograd function that allows me to do the type casting, since that is non-differentiable. Autograd calls the backward function, so there is a gradient, but the parameter itself doesn’t update (tried different learning rates already).

class ExampleModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.prob = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.5, dtype=torch.float32), requires_grad=True)

    def forward(self, x):
        output = quantize_length(self.prob).cuda()
        return output

def linear_length(prob):
    # [0, 8] length in frames = 9 possible options
    # input within range [0 1], map to an integer length
    return torch.floor(9 * prob).type(torch.uint8)

class QuantizeLengthFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, length_prob):
        output = linear_length(length_prob)  # quantize length
        weight = torch.zeros((10, 10), dtype=torch.float32)
        weight[:, :output] = torch.ones((10, output), dtype=torch.float32).cuda()
        return weight

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        length_prob = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output.clone().sum() * 9.0
        return grad_input

quantize_length = QuantizeLengthFunction.apply

# N is batch size; D_in is input dimension;
# H is hidden dimension; D_out is output dimension.
N, D_in, H, D_out = 64, 15, 10, 10

# Create random Tensors to hold input and outputs.
x = torch.rand(N, D_in, device=device, dtype=dtype) - 0.5
y = torch.rand(N, H, device=device, dtype=dtype) - 0.5

# Create random Tensors for weights.
w1 = torch.rand(D_in, H, device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True)

model = ExampleModel()

for name, data in model.named_parameters():
optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4, eps=1e-8)

for t in range(500):

    output = model(x)
    y_pred = (
    loss = (y_pred - y).pow(2).sum()

    # Use autograd to compute the backward pass.

If instead of using autograd to compute the backward pass, I use the following then the update works:

    # # Update weights using gradient descent
     with torch.no_grad():
         w1 -= learning_rate * w1.grad
         prob -= learning_rate * prob.grad
         # Manually zero the gradients after updating weights

But I’m trying to put this in a much larger network so I’d like to use Autograd to update this scalar along with the rest of my network. What am I doing wrong here?

If I’m understanding the issue correctly, the first approach (using the optimizer) doesn’t update w1 while the second one (using the manual parameter updates) works?
If so, then this would be expected, as you haven’t passed w1 to torch.optim.Adam, but model.parameters() only.

optim = torch.optim.Adam(list(model.parameters()) + [w1], lr=1e-4, eps=1e-8)

and it should work.

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Ah I see! Thanks for catching that. :slight_smile: