Custom loss - correlation by column

Hi Rane!

It’s relatively straightforward to implement a loop-free batch version of your
cov() function. Furthermore, torch.linalg.inv() (which torch.inverse()
is an alias for) computes matrix inverses on a batch basis if you pass in a
tensor with more than two dimensions. Together, these should give you the
tools to implement a loop-free version of your Corr loss.

Here is an illustration of a batch-cov() and batch-inv():

>>> import torch
>>> print (torch.__version__)
>>> _ = torch.manual_seed (2022)
>>> def cov(x, y):
...     x_bar = x - x.mean(axis=0)
...     y_bar = y - y.mean(axis=0)
...     N = x_bar.shape[0]
...     return (y_bar.T @ x_bar).T / (N - 1)
>>> def batchCov (x, y):
...     x_bar = x - x.mean (1).unsqueeze (1)
...     y_bar = y - y.mean (1).unsqueeze (1)
...     N = x_bar.shape[1]
...     return (y_bar.transpose (1, 2) @ x_bar).transpose (1, 2) / (N - 1)   # @ will do batch mm
>>> x = torch.randn (3, 5, 5)
>>> y = torch.randn (3, 5, 5)
>>> torch.allclose (batchCov (x, y)[2], cov (x[2], y[2]))
>>> torch.allclose (torch.linalg.inv (x)[2], torch.linalg.inv (x[2]))


K. Frank

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