Custom Loss Function doesn't work

Hey ! :slight_smile:

Here’s a description of my problem:
I want to create a Custom Loss to be able to take into account only some predictions in the loss calculation. But I have a problem with the backward function which doesn’t work and prints:

RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn

Here is the code:

def my_custom_loss(output, target):
    # Transform tensor to np.array
    sub_labels = np.array([item for sublist in target.tolist() for item in sublist])
    sub_outputs = np.array([item for sublist in output.tolist() for item in sublist])

    # Get index of list of labels with '-1'
    ind = [index for index,value in enumerate(sub_labels) if value != -1]

    # Remove elements with '-1'
    sub_labels = torch.tensor(sub_labels[ind], dtype=torch.float64)
    sub_outputs = torch.tensor(sub_outputs[ind], dtype=torch.float64)

    # Compute the loss
    the_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(sub_outputs, sub_labels)

    return the_loss

Do you know what is the problem with my custom loss ?
Here’s what I have already tried:

  • I tried to remove transformations made to tensor (ie: Create the same function which only return the loss of output and target. This makes the “loss.backward()” work but it’s not the custom function I want to code.
  • I tried to to add “the_loss.requires_grad = True” in “my_custom_loss” before the return, it makes the “loss.backward()” work but my model doesn’t learn at all (loss doesn’t change with epoch).

I wish I was clear, if you want more details you can ask me :slight_smile:

Thank you and have a nice day !

In your custom loss function you are detaching output from the computation graph as you are using numpy operations and are then re-creating the tensors.
You would need to either use PyTorch tensors in all operations so that Autograd can track these ops or you could alternatively implement a custom autograd.Function as described here in case you really need to use a 3rd party library (such as numpy).

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