Custom Loss Function that requires numpy

I have to implement a custom loss function to estimate some weights using the the total variance of a set of images. The problem is that my function requires using np.gradient(), and that breaks the computation graph. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Here’s whatI have so far:

class TotalVariation(Function):

def forward(ctx, projections, meanFF, FF, DF, x):
    FF_eff = torch.zeros((FF.shape[1], FF.shape[2]))
    for i in range(len(FF)):
        FF_eff  = FF_eff + x[i] * FF[i]
    # tmp = torch.mean(logCorProj)
    # return tmp
    # pytorch doesn't have a np.gradient equivalent
    logCorProj = logCorProj.clone().detach().numpy()
    Gx, Gy = np.gradient(logCorProj)
    Gx, Gy = torch.tensor(Gx), torch.tensor(Gy)
    mag = (Gx**2 + Gy**2)**(1/2)
    cost = torch.sum(torch.flatten(torch.from_numpy(mag)))
    return cost

def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
    result, = ctx.saved_tensors
    return result, None, None, None, None


If you use a custom Function, the backward should compute the gradient wrt the inputs by using the gradient wrt the outputs that are given to you.
As you don’t use any advanced option of np.gradient, it might just be simpler to re-implement it by hand using pytorch’s ops as you simply compare the adjacent values in the given input.

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Thanks, I’ve implemented a gradient function with PyTorch and now it’s working.

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