Custom Loss Function With Loops

Hi Ann!

Neither the loops nor the inplace operations will cause problems with
backpropagation and gradient computation.

Note, a nice feature of autograd is that it warns you if an inplace
operation has broken backpropagation. If that were to happen, you
could simply not use inplace operations, e.g.:

            se = se + torch.exp(-H)
        loss = loss + torch.log(se)

Even though these looks very similar to your inplace versions, they
create new tensors (at some cost in memory), so no inplace operations

It is easy enough to implement CrossEntropyLoss yourself, so it is
also easy to implement a loop-free version of SetCrossEntropyLoss
using pytorch tensor operations:

>>> import torch
>>> print (torch.__version__)
>>> _ = torch.manual_seed (2022)
>>> def SetCrossEntropyLoss(output, target):
...     loss = 0
...     for i in range(output.shape[0]):
...         se = 0
...         for j in range(output.shape[0]):
...             H = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() (output[i].reshape(1,output.shape[1]), target[j].reshape(1))
...             se += torch.exp(-H)
...         loss+=torch.log(se)
...     return -loss
>>> output = torch.randn (10, 5)
>>> target = torch.randint (5, (10,))
>>> SetCrossEntropyLoss (output, target)
>>> def SetCrossEntropyLossB (output, target):
...     log_probs = torch.log_softmax (output, dim = 1)
...     xEnts = -log_probs[:, target]
...     loss = -(-xEnts).exp().sum (dim = 1).log().sum (dim = 0)
...     return  loss
>>> SetCrossEntropyLossB (output, target)


K. Frank

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