Custom loss with logic operation can not backward

this is my Custom Loss, but the backward will not work.

def OthelloLoss_(pred, label, th):
    pred = torch.where(pred > th, True, False)
    label = torch.where(label == 1.0, True, False)

    #ex: p:110 g:011
    pred_gt_or = torch.bitwise_or(pred, label)                          #pred+gt where 1                     =>110 or 011 = 111
    denominator = torch.sum(torch.where(pred_gt_or == True, 1, 0),1)    #total pred+gt where 1 position      =>p or q:111 => 3

    pred_gt_xor = torch.bitwise_xor(pred, label)                        #not correct position                =>110 xor 011 = 101
    molecular =  torch.sum(torch.where(pred_gt_xor == True, 1, 0),1)    #total pred not correct num          =>p xor q:101 => 2 
    position_loss = molecular / denominator                             #position loss = (not correct num) / (total postion num)
    position_loss = torch.nan_to_num(position_loss, nan=0.0)
    position_batch_loss =  torch.div(torch.sum(position_loss), len(position_loss))

    wrong_and_xor = torch.bitwise_and(pred,pred_gt_xor)                     #wrong postion                       =>p and(p xor q) =  110 and 101 = 100
    wrong_num =  torch.sum(torch.where(wrong_and_xor == True, 1, 0),1)      #wrong num                           => p and(p xor q) = 100 => 1  
    wrong_penalty_loss = 0.5 * wrong_num
    wrong_penalty_batch_loss = torch.div(torch.sum(wrong_penalty_loss), len(wrong_penalty_loss))

    total_loss = position_batch_loss + wrong_penalty_batch_loss
    return total_loss

every epoch loss:
Epoch: 1 | train_loss: 12.5797 | train_acc: 4.45% | val_loss: 12.583 | val_acc: 4.45%
Epoch: 2 | train_loss: 12.5797 | train_acc: 4.45% | val_loss: 12.583 | val_acc: 4.45%
Epoch: 3 | train_loss: 12.5797 | train_acc: 4.45% | val_loss: 12.583 | val_acc: 4.45%
Epoch: 4 | train_loss: 12.5797 | train_acc: 4.45% | val_loss: 12.583 | val_acc: 4.45%