Data labelling for two objects in one image file | Object detection

Hello all,

greetings! I have a query regarding object detection label data. Currently, I have trained data of images with objects such as cat and dog (both in one image). I have information such as (x_min_cat, y_min_cat, x_max_cat, y_max_cat, x_min_dog, y_min_dog, x_max_dog, y_max_dog) for these objects. I assume class_name and _id as cat,0 and dog,1 respectively…

I am writing the csv file in format |image_id|class_name|class_id|x_min|y_min|x_max|y_max|. since I have two objects in one image, I would like to ask, how one suppose to put label data information such as (class_name, class_id, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) for two objects in/under one image_id?

thank you in advance…

Kind regards