Differences between implementations

Tl;dr Porting between implementations like CPU, CUDA does not provide consistent results

I am investigating various implementations of different layers as I try to port a model, and I observed significant deviation between different implementations. While torch defaults to torch.float for most things which is supposed to be float32 implementations, trying to use the raw data seems almost impossible for functions of reasonable sizes.

For reference here are my observations of a linear layer.

First of all I look at an explicit full connected implementation vs F.linear

def test():
    in_chan = 2048
    out_chan = 512
    in_len = 32

    W = torch.randn(out_chan, in_chan)
    B = torch.randn(out_chan)
    x = torch.randn(in_len, in_chan)
    y_t1 = (x @ W.T + B)
    y_t2 = F.linear(x, W, B)
    print((y_t1 - y_t2).abs().sum())  # tensor(0.0291)
    print(torch.allclose(y_t1, y_t2)) # False


While the implementation on CUDA by itself seem fine, comparing it with CPU shows even more errors

def test():
    in_chan = 2048
    out_chan = 512
    in_len = 32

    W = torch.randn(out_chan, in_chan).cuda()
    B = torch.randn(out_chan).cuda()
    x = torch.randn(in_len, in_chan).cuda()

    y_t1_cuda = (x @ W.T + B)
    y_t2_cuda = F.linear(x, W, B)
    print((y_t1_cuda - y_t2_cuda).abs().sum())  # 0
    print(torch.allclose(y_t1_cuda, y_t2_cuda))  # True

    W = W.cpu()
    B = B.cpu()
    x = x.cpu()
    y_t1_cpu = (x @ W.T + B)
    y_t2_cpu = F.linear(x, W, B)
    print((y_t1_cpu - y_t2_cpu).abs().sum()) # 0.0295
    print(torch.allclose(y_t1_cpu, y_t2_cpu)) # False

    print((y_t1_cpu - y_t1_cuda.cpu()).abs().sum()) # 0.1881


on further testing I can see the errors accumulate with increasing dimensions

def test():
    dims = np.arange(1, 2048)
    y = []
    for dim in dims:
        in_chan = out_chan = dim
        in_len = 32

        W = torch.randn(out_chan, in_chan)
        B = torch.randn(out_chan)
        x = torch.randn(in_len, in_chan)
        y_t1 = (x @ W.T + B)
        y_t2 = F.linear(x, W, B)

        y += [(y_t1 - y_t2).abs().sum()]

    y = torch.tensor(y).numpy()
    plt.figure(figsize=(25, 10))
    plt.plot(dims, y)
    curdir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent


I reached this problem while trying to port implementation to numpy as a sanity check where I first noticed these deviations

def test():
    def with_type(t):
        in_chan = 2048
        out_chan = 512
        in_len = 32

        W = np.random.randn(out_chan, in_chan).astype(t)
        B = np.random.randn(out_chan).astype(t)
        x = np.random.randn(in_len, in_chan).astype(t)

        y_t1 = (x @ W.T + B)
        y_t2 = F.linear(
        print(np.sum(np.abs(y_t1 - y_t2)))

    with_type('float32') # 0.027533546
    with_type('float64') # 5.6747252730193765e-11


while the errors in float64 implementations are smaller, I suspect for much larger model they would accumulate to significant levels as well.

Higher level floating-point operations can only be expected to be accurate to numerical precision. Typical values are 1e-7ish for fp32 and 1e-15ish for fp64 per element, which seems broadly in range with your results.
Similar things would likely happen if you used numpy with different blas backends etc.
There isn’t a whole lot that PyTorch can do here.

Best regards


The errors are in the 1e-2 range for fp32 though, and I find that highly suspicious

You are taking sums of the errors, and matmul has large sums, too. In general, the approach you take, ie verifying that going from fp32 to fp64 reduces the error by a 1e7ish factor, is a good quick check for being confident that you are seeing numerical accuracy issues.

No, the experiment on fp64 is to check if errors are similar for that implementation as well but it looks like that’s not the case.

The main problem here is not moving from fp64 to fp32 and back, but the fact that the cpu implementation appear to not be equal to the expected formula for fp32 implementations.
On CUDA F.linear(x, W, B) == x @ W.T + B
On CPU F.linear(x, W,B) != x @ W.T + B

Similar problems occur for other layers like for other layers like conv1d, conv1dt as well.

So the question here is that why is the CPU implementation not equal to expected formula?

I have a suspicion that the implementation for fp32 is different than that being used for fp64 for ex. XNNPack only supports fp32, and that is causing errors that accumulate.

I think PyTorch uses baddmm or so for linear, you should see this in the gradfn when requiring gradients. Thus it is a different implementation than the matmul variant.