Distributed Data Parallel Changing tuple value?

I’m new to DDP and getting some behavior I don’t understand. I have a line in my code that currently looks like this:

newTensor = tensor.view(viewTuple)

viewTuple is defined earlier and always is either [1,-1] or [1,-1,1,1]. This line works properly on single GPU but on multi GPU is giving the error

RuntimeError: shape ‘[1, 1]’ is invalid for input of size 1000

This is the case even though the print never shows a [1,1] vector. Any idea what could be happening? Could the values be being overwritten by the second distributed run?

Is the print statement directly before applying the view operation showing [1, -1], but then fails with in the view operation? If so, then I haven’t seen such a behavior before of Python lists being manipulated silently by using multi-processing.

Yes, the print is directly before the view. It prints a bunch of vectors with a -1 in them to allow for reshaping but then I get the error with a [1,1] array. I also tried adding a print("flush", flush=True) after as well to make sure all the prints are being flushed. Any other thoughts or is this something that I may need to create a minimal example to reproduce for debugging?