Does PyTorch have Decoder Function for CTC just like tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder in TF?

I’m tring my work with CTC, but I find no decoder funtions in PyTorch for CTC. I implyment CTC_greedy_decoder and CTC_beam_search_decoder with data on Internet. The CTC_greedy_decoder works, but CTC_beam_search_decoder runs so slowly. So does PyTorch have Decoder Function for CTC just like tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder in TF? Thank you very much.

DId you find a decoder?

No. I just implyment CTC_greedy_decoder by myself.

greedy decoder is really easy to implement: code

you could compute argmax even using pytorch directly.

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Thank you. THhs helps

Hi Sanbot-kk, I’m trying to implement a CTC decoder, could you please provide me with an exemple of code so i can understand how the decoder works.