Error creating sample weights because dataset is too large

I’ve been creating weighted sampling for a CNN by loading in the data and iterating through each item’s labels as follows:

    train_loader = DataLoader(Dataset(data_path, cube_length, transforms, img_size), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)
    dataiter = iter(train_loader)
    images, labels =
    weights = weighting(labels)
    sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(weights, len(weights))

However when I try this on my real dataset which has 1,032,960 images (and therefore labels) I get the following error:

OSError: [WinError 1455] The paging file is too small for this operation to complete

associated with the line:

images, labels =

Reading the error, I’m assuming I’ve ran out of memory somewhere in either the reading of data or in appending the labels (the latter seeming unlikely).

Is there a way around this error perhaps a more efficient way of reading the dataset?
Perhaps using something like:

    labels = []
    for idx, (batch, target) in enumerate(train_loader)

Many thanks in advance. Full error message below:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\utils\ in __get__(self, obj, owner)
    733         try:
--> 734             return obj.__dict__[self._key]
    735         except KeyError:

KeyError: 'data'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-e20f44391918> in <module>()
     14 start = time.time()
---> 15 train(model, transform, num_epochs=150, batch_size=64, lr_schedule=schedule, loss=loss_fn, suffix=suffix)
     16 end = time.time()
     17 print('TRAIN TIME:')

<ipython-input-8-d1389ed15555> in train(model, transforms, data_path, num_epochs, batch_size, verbose, cube_length, img_size, loss, lr_schedule, initial_lr, suffix)
     11     train_loader = DataLoader(FITSCubeDataset(data_path, cube_length, transforms, img_size), batch_size=640*1614, shuffle=False)
     12     dataiter = iter(train_loader)
---> 13     images, labels =
     14     weights = weighting(labels)
     15     sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(weights, len(weights))

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in __next__(self)
    262         if self.num_workers == 0:  # same-process loading
    263             indices = next(self.sample_iter)  # may raise StopIteration
--> 264             batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])
    265             if self.pin_memory:
    266                 batch = pin_memory_batch(batch)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in <listcomp>(.0)
    262         if self.num_workers == 0:  # same-process loading
    263             indices = next(self.sample_iter)  # may raise StopIteration
--> 264             batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])
    265             if self.pin_memory:
    266                 batch = pin_memory_batch(batch)

<ipython-input-5-f4f61f06aa37> in __getitem__(self, index)
     43         cube_index = index // self.cube_length
     44         slice_index = index % self.cube_length
---> 45         _img, _label = default_fits_loader(self.img_files[cube_index], self.img_size, slice_index)
     46         _img[_img != _img] = 0
     47         if self.transforms is not None:

<ipython-input-5-f4f61f06aa37> in default_fits_loader(file_name, img_size, slice_index)
     22 def default_fits_loader(file_name: str, img_size: tuple, slice_index):
     23     file =
---> 24     _data = file[1].data
     25     _data = resize(_data[slice_index], img_size)
     26     _label = file[0].header['LABEL']

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\utils\ in __get__(self, obj, owner)
    734             return obj.__dict__[self._key]
    735         except KeyError:
--> 736             val = self.fget(obj)
    737             obj.__dict__[self._key] = val
    738             return val

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\ in data(self)
    241             return
--> 243         data = self._get_scaled_image_data(self._data_offset, self.shape)
    244         self._update_header_scale_info(data.dtype)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\ in _get_scaled_image_data(self, offset, shape)
    707         code = BITPIX2DTYPE[self._orig_bitpix]
--> 709         raw_data = self._get_raw_data(shape, code, offset)
    710         raw_data.dtype = raw_data.dtype.newbyteorder('>')

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\ in _get_raw_data(self, shape, code, offset)
    478                               offset=offset)
    479         elif self._file:
--> 480             return self._file.readarray(offset=offset, dtype=code, shape=shape)
    481         else:
    482             return None

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\ in readarray(self, size, offset, dtype, shape)
    268                     # file)
    269                     memmap = Memmap(self._file, mode=MEMMAP_MODES[self.mode],
--> 270                                     dtype=np.uint8)
    272                     # Now we immediately discard the memmap array; we are

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ in __new__(subtype, filename, dtype, mode, offset, shape, order)
    262         bytes -= start
    263         array_offset = offset - start
--> 264         mm = mmap.mmap(fid.fileno(), bytes, access=acc, offset=start)
    266         self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, dtype=descr, buffer=mm,

OSError: [WinError 1455] The paging file is too small for this operation to complete

Do you get this error if you call or is it somehow related to the other lines of code?
I’m not sure what this error message means. Are you working on a Windows machine?

Yes this is because of and I am working on a windows machine. It’s a strange error that I’ve never encountered before.

It’s a guess, but maybe your swap is too small and therefore the operation cannot be performed?
As far as I know these are paging errors, but I haven’t used Windows in a while so maybe I’m completely on the wrong path.

Another possibility might be just a strange error message caused by another bug.
If you use multiprocessing, you should guard your script with

if __name__=='__main__':

Otherwise the processes will be spawned recursively.

Could one of these guesses be the reason?

I start the training script with

if __name__=='__main__':

So I don’t think it can be that. I did try the method I outlined above though:

    labels = []
    for idx, (batch, target) in enumerate(train_loader)

…which has solved the problem!

So it looks like it just couldn’t cope with iterating through so many images without loading them into batches first.