Error in exporting onnx

I try to export quantized shufflenetv2 to onnx file and get error as below. It seems that this error only happens in quantized shufflenetv2 because I succeed in exporting float shufflenetv2.

RuntimeError: ONNX symbolic expected node type prim::TupleConstruct, got %414 : Tensor(*, *, *, *) = onnx::Slice(%x.8, %410, %413, %402), scope: __module.stage2/__module.stage2.1 # D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\nanodet\lib\site-packages\torchvision\models\quantization\

see Quantized Pytorch model exports to onnx - #5 by Deepak_Ghimire1
we do not support ONNX