F.unfold behavior

I have the following code:

x = (torch.arange(16)+1).reshape(1,1,4,4).float()
im2col = F.unfold(x, (2,2))

with the x being:

1   2  3   4
5   6  7   8
9  10 11  12
13 14 15  16

I expect the this to have an output of


but it is giving me the output of kernel size 3:


Am I thinking wrong about the unfold operation? and is this the expected behavior? When so, can you elaborate?


The only difference between what you expect and what you get is a transpose. The expected use for convolution is to do mm(w, unfold(input)).
You can see here that the unfold is called and here the mm is done with the weights.

My bad, but thanks for helping out.