Failed to import pytorch fbgemm.dll or one of its dependencies is missing

This is still unresolved. I have pip installations with

VC_redist.x64.exe (14.40.33810.0)
NVIDIA drivers 560.70

on two machines


  • with additional full Visual Studio 2022 installation
  • dedicated RTX 3070


  • no Visual Studio
  • eGPU GTX 1060

The Win10 version is working, the Win11 version not.

edit: Win10 has libomp140.x86_64.dll in c:/Windows/System32 (and a debug version elsewhere for VS 2022), the Win11 version has nothing on the whole drive. So, this dll seems to be no longer a part of vcredist. I loosely remember some recent problems in downloading OpenMP from Microsoft, but cannot find the associated defunctional link.

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