Fast elementwise ops with small tensors

I’ve implemented a C++ PyTorch extension for fast forward and backward passes of an unstructured DAG of neurons for a project I’m doing. Since units may depend on any of the ‘previous’ units the forward pass can’t easily be vectorized outside of the batch dimension. As a result, the performance of this model is currently bottlenecked by the speed of basic elementwise operations on small tensors, with exactly as many elements as the minibatch size. Based on some simple timing tests, it takes a minibatch size in the thousands to get near asymptotic performance. Is there anything I can do with torch::autograd::Variable s to get decent performance on small tensors, or is there overhead being incurred by autograd that I could avoid by using vanilla ATen Tensors? I’m considering doing the forward passes in pure C++ as a further step if it turns out that even at::Tensor s still have too much overhead, since they’re still more optimized for larger operations AFAIK.

Based on the user to real time ratio, PyTorch is using all 4 available CPU cores:

$ time python
torch.Size([80, 80])

real    0m5.538s
user    0m20.288s

Is it actually using multiple cores for the small Tensor operations?

One issue I run into is that if I convert the incoming variables to pure Tensors in my extension, I get a segmentation fault:

using namespace torch::autograd;
using namespace at;

Tensor foo_forward(Tensor a, ...) {
   auto b = as_variable_ref(a).data();
   b *= 2.0f; // segfault here

torch::autograd::is_variable(a) does return true, as well.

Here’s the full code for the morbidly curious, it’s a little gnarly…

#include <torch/torch.h>

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace at;
using namespace torch::autograd;

// TODO: optimize, clean

struct FEntry {
  FEntry(int i = -1) {
    this->i = i;

  bool operator<(const FEntry& other) const {
    return i > other.i;

  int i;
  vector< pair<int, float> > c;

struct BEntry {
  BEntry(int j = -1) {
    this->j = j;

  bool operator<(const BEntry& other) const {
    return j < other.j;

  int j;
  vector< pair<int, float> > c;

Tensor dtanh_from_tanh(Tensor y) {
  return 1.0f - (y * y);

Tensor dagnn_forward(
  Tensor x,
  Tensor W,
  Tensor b,
  Tensor i,
  Tensor o
) {

  int M = x.size(0);
  int I = *(i.toIntData());
  int O = *(o.toIntData());
  int N = W.size(0);

  W = W.coalesce();
  auto W_i = W._indices();
  auto W_v = W._values();
  auto W_i_acs = W_i.accessor<long, 2>();
  auto W_v_acs = W_v.accessor<float, 1>();

  // parse W for forward connections
  auto F_ = map<int, FEntry>();
  for (int k = 0; k < W_v.size(0); k++) {

    int i = W_i_acs[0][k];
    int j = W_i_acs[1][k];
    float w_ij = W_v_acs[k];

    if (F_.find(i) == F_.end()) {
      F_[i] = FEntry(i);

    F_[i].c.push_back(pair<int, float>(j, w_ij));


  // move to a priority queue
  priority_queue<FEntry> F;
  for (auto it = F_.begin(); it != F_.end(); it++) {

  // load input
  auto a = cat({
    x.transpose(0, 1),
    make_variable(CPU(kFloat).zeros({N - I, M}))

  int d0 = 0;
  int d1 = 0;

  // actual forward pass
  while (!F.empty()) {

    d0 ++;

    FEntry F_i =;
    int i = F_i.i;

    auto z = make_variable(CPU(kFloat).zeros({M}).fill_(b[i]));

    for (auto jw_ij : F_i.c) {

      int j = jw_ij.first;
      float w_ij = jw_ij.second;

      z += a[j] * w_ij;

      d1 ++;


    if (i >= N - O) a[i] = z;
    else a[i] = z;



  return make_variable(CPU(kFloat).ones({M, N}));

  return a.transpose(0, 1);


vector<at::Tensor> dagnn_backward(
  at::Tensor W,
  at::Tensor b,
  at::Tensor i,
  at::Tensor o,
  at::Tensor a,
  at::Tensor da
) {

  int M = a.size(0);
  int I = *(i.toIntData());
  int O = *(o.toIntData());
  int N = W.size(0);

  return {a.slice(1, 0, I), W, b};

  W = W.coalesce();
  auto W_i = W._indices();
  auto W_v = W._values();
  auto W_i_acs = W_i.accessor<long, 2>();
  auto W_v_acs = W_v.accessor<float, 1>();

  // parse W for backward connections
  auto B_ = map<int, BEntry>();
  for (int k = 0; k < W_v.size(0); k++) {

    int i = W_i_acs[0][k];
    int j = W_i_acs[1][k];
    float w_ij = W_v_acs[k];

    if (B_.find(j) == B_.end()) {
      B_[j] = BEntry(j);

    B_[j].c.push_back(pair<int, float>(i, w_ij));


  // move to a priority queue
  priority_queue<BEntry> B;
  for (auto it = B_.begin(); it != B_.end(); it++) {

  int posW = 0;

  // actual backward pass
  auto dz = da.clone();

  dz = dz.transpose(0, 1);
  da = da.transpose(0, 1);
  a = a.transpose(0, 1);

  auto dW = W.clone();
  auto dW_i = dW._indices();
  auto dW_v = dW._values();
  auto dW_i_acs = dW_i.accessor<long, 2>();

  while (!B.empty()) {

    BEntry B_j =;
    int j = B_j.j;

    auto da_j = da[j].clone();
    for (auto iw_ij : B_j.c) {

      int i = iw_ij.first;
      float w_ij = iw_ij.second;

      da_j += dz[i] * w_ij;

      dW_i_acs[0][posW] = i;
      dW_i_acs[1][posW] = j;
      dW_v[posW] = (dz[i] * a[j]).sum();
      posW ++;


    if (j < I) dz[j] = da_j;
    else dz[j] = da_j * dtanh_from_tanh(a[j]);



  dz = dz.transpose(0, 1);
  auto db = dz.sum(0);

  return {
    dz.slice(1, 0, I),


  m.def("forward", &dagnn_forward, "DagNN forward");
  m.def("backward", &dagnn_backward, "DagNN backward");