FasterRCNN class encoding

Hello everyone,

I am training a FasterRCNN model for detecting objects belonging to two classes (excluding background). These classes are not encoded 1 and 2 but 7 and 22. Is it advisable in this case to re-encode the classes as 1 and 2, and set the number of classes (num_classes) of FastRCNNPredictor to 3 (the two classes + background)?
Otherwise I have to set the number of classes of FastRCNNPredictor to 23 (max encoding + 1 for background), which does not seem ideal.


I would recommend to set the number of output activations to the number of classes you are dealing with.
Otherwise your model might output irrelevant classes without any meaning.

Thanks for your response @ptrblck; I re-encoded on the fly using a transform (see below).
In addition to what you mentioned (having irrelevant classes), my initial worry was that the class loss would be somehow “diluted” if I would set the number of output activations to a higher value than the actual number of classes.

The transform

class EncodeClasses(object):
    """Re-encode classes

    Useful to limit the number of output activations to the actual number of
    classes when initial class codes do not follow a simple sequence ``[1:len(classes)]``
    def __init__(self, encoding):
            encoding (dict): Dict of old code, new code mapping
        self.encoding = encoding

    def __call__(self, image, target):
        labels = target['labels']
        for k,v in self.encoding.items():
            labels[labels == k] = v
        target['labels'] = labels
        return image, target