GAN training with Mixed Precision results in NaN after some time

I have been trying to train a DF-GAN for text-to-image generation. However, after training for a while, the losses become NaN and after that the model does not recover from it. I am using Mixed Precision Training to decrease the training time and increase the batch_size.

Currently, on a V100 GPU (on Google Cloud), each epoch takes about 3 mins with mixed precision enabled. On disabling mixed precision, each epoch takes around 10 mins. So there’s no other option but to enable the mixed precision training.

Before DF-GAN, I was training StackGAN model and experienced the same behavior. I am not understanding as to why this is occurring. I looked up the documentation for mixed precision training for models with multiple optimisers and gradient penalties. I incorporated all the changes that the documentation recommended to do but I could not find any improvements.

I will display the loss curves and the images generated by model after training DF-GAN for a while with MP enabled.

The pictures were not purplish until the NaNs started to occur.

Below is the training configs that I am using to train the model.

cudnn.benchmark = True

class TrainingConfig:

    gen_learning_rate = 0.0001
    disc_learning_rate = 0.0004
    epsilon = 1e-8
    max_epochs = 600
    num_workers = 6
    batch_size = 32
    shuffle = True
    pin_memory = True
    ckpt_dir = "./DF-GAN-v1/"
    gen_ckpt_path = None
    disc_ckpt_path = None
    verbose = True
    device = "cuda"
    logdir = "dfganv1"
    snap_shot = 20
    def __init__(self,**kwargs) -> None:
        for key,value in kwargs.items():

Below is the training loop code for training the model.

def run_epoch(split):
            is_train = split == "train"
            if is_train:

            data = self.train_dataset if is_train else self.test_dataset
            loader = DataLoader(dataset=data, batch_size=config.batch_size,
            lossesD, lossesD_real, lossesD_wrong, lossesD_fake, losses_kl, losses_gen = [], [], [], [], [], []

            pbar = tqdm(enumerate(loader),total=len(loader)) if is_train and config.verbose else enumerate(loader)
            for it, data in pbar:
                # place data on the correct device
                images,captions,caption_len,class_ids, keys = prepare_data(data)
                hidden = text_encoder.init_hidden(config.batch_size)
                # words_embs: batch_size x nef x seq_len
                # sent_emb: batch_size x nef   
                word_embeddings, sentence_embeddings = text_encoder(captions, caption_len, hidden)
                word_embeddings, sentence_embeddings = word_embeddings.detach(), sentence_embeddings.detach()

                images = images[0].to(self.device)
                noise = torch.randn(config.batch_size,100,device=self.device)
                with amp.autocast():
                    real_features = discriminator(images)
                    output = discriminator.COND_DNET(real_features, sentence_embeddings)
                errorD_real = F.relu(1.0-output).mean()

                with amp.autocast():
                    output = discriminator.COND_DNET(real_features[:(config.batch_size-1)],sentence_embeddings[1:(config.batch_size)])
               errorD_wrong = F.relu(1.0+output).mean()

                    #synthesis fake images
                with amp.autocast():
                    fake_images = generator(noise,sentence_embeddings)
                    fake_features = discriminator(fake_images.detach())
                    output = discriminator.COND_DNET(fake_features,sentence_embeddings)

                errorD_fake = F.relu(1.0+output).mean()

                errorD = errorD_real + (errorD_wrong + errorD_fake) * 0.5


                #MA-GP (gradient penalty)
                interpolated = (
                sent_inter = (
                with amp.autocast():
                    features = discriminator(interpolated)
                    out = discriminator.COND_DNET(features,sent_inter)

                    grads = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=out,
                    grad0 = grads[0].view(grads[0].size(0), -1)
                    grad1 = grads[1].view(grads[1].size(0), -1)
                    grad =,grad1),dim=1)                        
                    grad_l2norm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(grad ** 2, dim=1))
                    d_loss_gp = torch.mean((grad_l2norm) ** 6)
                    d_loss = 2.0 * d_loss_gp


                ### update G network ###
                with amp.autocast():
                    features = discriminator(fake_images)
                    output = discriminator.COND_DNET(features,sentence_embeddings)
                errorG = - output.mean()




Please let me know if the MP sections of my training loop are correct. If not let me know what other options are there to prevent NaN from occuring.

The model used is taken from : GitHub - tobran/DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Synthesis (CVPR2022 oral)

Could you check, if any parameters are containing invalid values (NaN or Inf), as this should never happen. If not, then could you check the forward activations for invalid values (in particular for overflows) during the forward pass creating the NaN output?

I tried checking if the model parameters contain inf or nan.

So I executed the following code after loading the most recent snapshot

for name,params in generator.named_parameters():
    print("Generator :- isinf : ",name,torch.isinf(params))
    print("Generator :- isNaN : ",name,torch.isnan(params))

for name,params in discriminator.named_parameters():
    print("Discriminator :- isinf : ",name,torch.isinf(params))
    print("Discriminator :- isNaN : ",name,torch.isnan(params))

I ran the main script as follows:

$ python3 | grep True

And this is what I got :

Discriminator :- isNaN :  conv_img.bias tensor([True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
        True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,
        True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True], device='cuda:0')
Discriminator :- isNaN :  block0.gamma tensor([True], device='cuda:0')
Discriminator :- isNaN :  block0.conv_r.0.weight tensor([[[[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]],
         [[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]],
         [[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]],
         [[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]],
         [[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]],
         [[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]]],
        [[[True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True],
          [True, True, True, True]],

It looks like all the parameters in the discriminator model have become nan.

Thanks for the update! That’s strange indeed, as the scaler.step(optimizer) will skip the parameter updates if gradients are invalid and the parameters themselves are stored in float32 so cannot easily overflow.
Could you add the parameter check during the training and check which iteration creates the first invalid parameters? Once you are detecting them, print the gradients and check if any of them also contained invalid values, as these parameters should have never been updated. Also, I assume that you’ve verified the inputs and made sure they are not containing any invalid values?

@ptrblck Sorry for the late reply.

It seems like its the discriminator model thats being affected by NaN. I printed out the values of all the parameters of the discriminator. After 300 epoch, the values in discriminator parameters are in the order of e-03 to e-05 and have non nan gradients. I trained for a bit and I could not find any gradients being NaN or inf. I think that after the optimizer updates the parameters, the parameter values become so small that it results in NaN.

However when I load the most recent epoch that gave a NaN, I could find the most of the discriminator parameters are NaN. I could also find that some of the gradients were inf while most of the gradients were NaN.

So, is my training loop that i had shared in my original question even correct? In the sense that is the usage of autocast() for discriminator model correct?

The discriminator model gets updated twice in the same iteration of a epoch and then the generator gets updated. So after first discriminator update, I have performed scaler.update(). I have skipped scaler.update() after the second discriminator update. Then finally I have done scaler.update() after generator model gets updated.

Should I add a scaler.update() after the second time discriminator gets updated? Or I could disable autocast() for discriminator model.