Getting Nan as Loss after few batches of Traininng in Imagenet

I have added a regularization term, which adds spectral norm to the loss term. I am using Pytorch 4 version.
On the Imagenet dataset, the Loss is increasing exponentially and then giving ‘nan’ values as shown below.

Processing |                                | (1/5005) Data: 3.821s | Batch: 29.156s | Total: 0:00:29 | ETA: 0:00:00 | Loss: 25.6833 | t                        op1:  0.0000
Processing |                                | (2/5005) Data: 0.001s | Batch: 1.052s | Total: 0:00:30 | ETA: 1 day, 16:31:40 | Loss: 29.6706 | t                 op1:  0.0000
Processing |                                | (3/5005) Data: 0.010s | Batch: 0.652s | Total: 0:00:30 | ETA: 20:59:50 | Loss: 29.0471 | t                        op1:  0.0000
Processing |                                | (4/5005) Data: 0.011s | Batch: 0.645s | Total: 0:00:31 | ETA: 14:17:51 | Loss: 58.7433 | t                        op1:  0.0977
Processing |                                | (5/5005) Data: 0.010s | Batch: 0.656s | Total: 0:00:32 | ETA: 10:56:43 | Loss: 53.8333 | t                        op1:  0.1562
Processing |                                | (6/5005) Data: 0.010s | Batch: 0.633s | Total: 0:00:32 | ETA: 8:56:12 | Loss: 53.3468 | t                 op1:  0.1302 | top5:
Processing |                                | (7/5005) Data: 0.011s | Batch: 0.645s | Total: 0:00:33 | ETA: 7:35:32 | Loss: 51.0335 | t                 op1:  0.1674 | top5:
Processing |                                | (8/5005) Data: 0.010s | Batch: 0.632s | Total: 0:00:34 | ETA: 6:38:03 | Loss: 208.4966 | t                        op1:  0.1465
Processing |                                | (9/5005) Data: 0.010s | Batch: 0.931s | Total: 0:00:35 | ETA: 5:54:48 | Loss: 270749.7812 | t                     op1:  0.2170
Processing |                                | (10/5005) Data: 0.010s | Batch: 0.767s | Total: 0:00:35 | ETA: 5:23:56 | Loss: 46110831804416.0000 | t                    op1:
Processing |                                | (11/5005) Data: 0.011s | Batch: 0.776s | Total: 0:00:36 | ETA: 4:57:52 | Loss: 42443835703296.0000 | t                    op1:

The Same set of Regulrization works perfectly fine for CIFAR10/100, but is not working for Imagenet Dataset.

I am essentially Doing in the refularization function:

 def l2_reg_ortho(mdl):
         l2_reg = None
         for w_tmp in mdl.parameters():
                 if w_tmp.ndimension() < 2:
                         height = w_tmp.size(0)
                         u = normalize(w_tmp.new_empty(height).normal_(0,1), dim=0, eps=1e-12)
                         v = normalize(torch.matmul(w_tmp.t(), u), dim=0, eps=1e-12)
                         u = normalize(torch.matmul(w_tmp, v), dim=0, eps=1e-12)
                         sigma =, torch.matmul(w_tmp, v))

                         if l2_reg is None:
                                 l2_reg = (torch.norm(sigma,2))**2
                                 l2_reg = l2_reg + (torch.norm(sigma,2))**2
         return l2_reg

Adding it to loss:

         # compute output
         outputs = model(inputs)
         oloss = l2_reg_ortho(model)
         oloss = odecay * oloss
         loss = criterion(outputs, targets)
         loss = loss + oloss

Please suggest, I am missing something over here?
Thank You.

caveat: I’ve never used spectral norm. With that aside, imagenet has larger input images than cifar. so, perhaps the norm is correspondingly larger, and needs to be eg scaled downwards by the square of the size of the images, or by some hyper-parameter constant?