GPU did not work ,only CPU work

I am writing a decode function use pytorch and this function will be used decode the full connect layer output,but when I run this code ,GPU did not work,only CPU work,this is my decode function:

def decoder(x):
    colormax = x[:,0:49]
    colormin = x[:,49:98]
    modulationData = x[:,98:147]
    fresult = torch.Tensor(64,784)
    if args.cuda:
    # fresult=Variable(fresult)
    blocks = 7
    blockMask = blocks - 1
    WEIGHTS1 = weights[0:4][:]
    for y in range(blocks):
        for x in range(blocks):
            mod = modulationData[:,y * 7 + x:y * 7 + x+1]
            inds = 0
            for py in range(4):
                yOffset = -1 if (py < 2) else 0
                y0 = (y + yOffset) % blocks
                y1 = (y0 + 1) % blocks
                for px in range(4):
                    xOffset = -1 if (px < 2) else 0
                    x0 = (x + xOffset) % blocks
                    x1 = (x0 + 1) % blocks
                    ca = colormax[:,y0 * 7 + x0:y0 * 7 + x0+1] * factor[inds][0] + colormax[:,y1 * 7 + x0:y1 * 7 + x0+1] * factor[inds][1] + colormax[:,y0 * 7 + x1:y0 * 7 + x1+1] * factor[inds][2] + colormax[:,y1 * 7 + x1:y1 * 7 + x1+1] * factor[inds][3]
                    cb = colormin[:,y0 * 7 + x0:y0 * 7 + x0+1] * factor[inds][0] + colormin[:,y1 * 7 + x0:y1 * 7 + x0+1] * factor[inds][1] + colormin[:,y0 * 7 + x1:y0 * 7 + x1+1] * factor[inds][2] + colormin[:,y1 * 7 + x1:y1 * 7 + x1+1] * factor[inds][3]
                    w = np.array([WEIGHTS1[int(i) % 4][:] for i in mod])
                    w = torch.from_numpy(w).float()
                    fresult[:,(4 * y + py) * 28 + (4 * x + px)] = (torch.mul(,w[:,0:1]) + torch.mul(,w[:,1:2])) / 128
                    inds = inds + 1
                    mod = torch.mul(mod, 0.25)
    fresult=Variable(fresult, requires_grad=True)
    return fresult
And this is the network:
    def forward(self, x):

        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc3(x))
        x = F.relu(self.fc4(x))
        x = F.relu(x)
        return x
what is wrong with my code,why the GPU didn't work,only CPU work?
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        if args.cuda:
            data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda()
        data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target)
        output = model(data)

        loss = F.mse_loss(output, data)

You need to move the model to gpu so add model.cuda()

I have done it,but did’t work

What error message are you seeing?

it didn’t have the error message ,just CPU run,GPU didn’t run.I have used the model.cuda()

Like it just gets stuck?

no,did’t stuck,code run on cpu,but I select gpu

dude what do you mean by “did not work”? either it gives an error or not.