GPU memory consumption increases while training

No, the GradScaler will not keep unused references around and thus increase the memory usage.
I would recommend to check all returned tensors e.g. from check_accuracy and make sure none of them has a valid .grad_fn since you are storing these tensors.

Thank you for your kind reply. I tried to delete some variables in the check_accuracy routine (see code below), but it does not work. I just deleted everything. Even the batch size used was 1, and the training dataset had 247 images of 224x224 (very low in size), with 11 images in the testing dataset. But the out-of-memory eventually occurs in the second epoch (66%, after 158 images and 29 seconds). There is any hint? I start to think that the model is increasing consumption, but I don’t know how it could. Is it really possible? I tested already the same code with another ResNet model with 152 layers, with a 20.000 images dataset, and it worked fine (this current one is a U-Net with ResNet with 50 layers).

def check_accuracy(loader, model, loss_fn, device='cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'):
    num_correct = 0
    num_pixels = 0
    dice_score = 0
    loop = tqdm(loader, desc='Check acc')
    with torch.no_grad():
        for dictionary in loop:
            image, label = dictionary
            x, y = dictionary[image], dictionary[label]
            x, y =,
            y = y.float()    
            pred = model(x)
            y = tf.center_crop(y, pred.shape[2:])
            pred = (pred > 0.5).float()
            loss = loss_fn(pred, y)
            num_correct += (pred == y).sum()
            num_pixels += torch.numel(pred)
            smooth = 1e-4
            dice_score += (2*100*(pred*y).sum()+smooth) / ((pred+y).sum()+smooth)
            # deliting variables
            loss_item = loss.item()
            del loss, pred, x, y, image, label, dictionary
    # deliting variables
    num_correct_item = num_correct.item()
    num_pixels = int(num_pixels)
    dice_score_item = dice_score.item()
    len_loader = len(loader)
    del num_correct, dice_score, loader, loop
    print(f'\nGot an accuracy of {round(100*num_correct_item/int(num_pixels),4)}')

    print(f'Dice score: {round(dice_score_item/len_loader,4)}\n')


    return 100*num_correct_item/num_pixels, loss_item, dice_score_item/len_loader

I don’t see any obvious issues and would recommend to narrow down the code even further by only using the model with its corresponding training routine. If this is still increasing the memory usage, could you post a minimal, executable code snippet to reproduce the issue, please?

1 Like

Thank you very much for your fast reply. It was completely solved by removing an append in a self variable inside my model. Now it works fine with the whole dataset, and with far more batch size.

Hello, I have the sam problem. I try to train a transformer model on a gpu cluster but my gpu load always increases while training until the execution completely fails. I tried all of the suggestions above but they did not seem to work. Here the train function:

def trainLoop(data, model, loadModel, modelName, lr, weightDecay, earlyStopping, epochs,
              validationSet, validationStep, WandB, device, pathOrigin = pathOrigin):

    data: list of list of input data and dates and targets
    model: pytorch nn.class
    loadModel: boolean
    modelName: string
        .pth.tar model name on harddrive
    lr: float
    weightDecay: float
    earlyStopping: float
    criterionFunction: nn.lossfunction
    epochs: int
    validationSet: same as data
    validationStep: int
        timepoint when validation set is evaluated for early stopping regularization
    WandB: boolean
        use weights and biases tool to monitor losses dynmaically
    device: string
        device on which the data should be stored

    return: nn.class
        trained model
    runningLoss = 0
    runningLossLatentSpace = np.zeros(len(data) * epochs)
    meanRunningLossLatentSpace = 0
    runningLossReconstruction = np.zeros(len(data) * epochs)
    meanRunningLossReconstruction = 0
    stoppingCounter = 0
    lastLoss = 0
    optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weightDecay)
    trainLosses = np.zeros(len(data) * epochs)
    validationLosses = np.zeros((len(data) * epochs, 2))
    trainCounter = 0
    meanValidationLoss = 0

    # WandB
    if WandB:
            # set the wandb project where this run will be logged
            project= modelName,

            # track hyperparameters and run metadata
                "learning_rate": lr,
                "architecture": modelName,
                "dataset": "Helheim, Aletsch, jakobshavn",
                "epochs": epochs,

    # load model
    if loadModel:
        loadCheckpoint(torch.load(modelName), model=model, optimizer=optimizer)
    for x in range(epochs):
        # get indices for epoch
        ix = np.arange(0, len(data), 1)
        ix = np.random.choice(ix, len(data), replace=False, p=None)

        for i in ix:
            # get data
            helper = data[i]

            # move to cuda
            helper = moveToCuda(helper, device)

            #define target
            y = helper[1][0]

            # zero the parameter gradients

            # forward + backward + optimize
            forward = model.forward(helper, training = True)
            predictions = forward[0]
            loss = MSEpixelLoss(predictions, y) + forward[1] + forward[2] # output loss, latent space loss, recopnstruction loss
            trainCounter += 1

            # print loss
            #meanRunningLossLatentSpace += forward[1].item()
            #meanRunningLossLatentSpace = meanRunningLossLatentSpace/trainCounter
            #runningLossLatentSpace[trainCounter - 1] = meanRunningLossLatentSpace
            #meanRunningLossReconstruction += forward[2].item()
            #meanRunningLossReconstruction = meanRunningLossReconstruction/trainCounter
            #runningLossReconstruction[trainCounter - 1] = meanRunningLossReconstruction
            #runningLoss += loss.item()
            #meanRunningLoss = runningLoss / trainCounter
            #trainLosses[trainCounter - 1] = meanRunningLoss

            ## log to wandb
            if WandB:
                wandb.log({#"train loss": meanRunningLoss,
                            "train loss": loss.item()})
                           #"latentSpaceLoss": meanRunningLossLatentSpace,
                           #"reconstructionLoss": meanRunningLossReconstruction,
                           #"validationLoss": meanValidationLoss})

            if i % validationStep == 0 and i != 0:
                if validationSet != None:
                    # sample data
                    validationLoss = 0
                    for i in range(len(validationSet)):
                        helper = validationSet[i]

                        # move to cuda
                        helper = moveToCuda(helper, device)

                        y = helper[1][0]

                        # forward + backward + optimize
                        forward = model.forward(helper, training = True)
                        # predictions = forward[0].to(device='cuda')
                        predictions = forward[0]

                        testLoss = MSEpixelLoss(predictions, y) + forward[1] + forward[2]
                        validationLoss += testLoss.item()
                        meanValidationLoss = validationLoss / len(validationSet)
                        validationLosses[trainCounter - 1] = np.array([meanValidationLoss, trainCounter]) # save trainCounter as well for comparison with interpolation
                        # of in between datapoints

                        # save memory
                        del forward, helper

                    print("current validation loss: ", meanValidationLoss)

                # early stopping
            if earlyStopping > 0:
                if lastLoss < meanRunningLoss:
                    stoppingCounter += 1

                if stoppingCounter == 100:
                    print("model converged, early stopping")

                    # navigate/create order structure
                    path = pathOrigin + "/results"
                    os.makedirs(modelName, exist_ok=True)
                    os.chdir(path + "/" + modelName)

                    checkpoint = {"state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict()}
                    saveCheckpoint(checkpoint, modelName)
                    # save losses
                    dict = {"trainLoss": trainLosses, "validationLoss": [np.NaN for x in range(len(trainLosses))]}
                    trainResults = pd.DataFrame(dict)

                    # fill in validation losses with index
                    for i in range(len(validationLosses)):
                        trainResults.iloc[validationLosses[i, 1], 1] = validationLosses[i, 0]

                    # save dartaFrame to csv

            lastLoss = meanRunningLoss
            #print("epoch: ", x, ", example: ", trainCounter, " current loss = ", meanRunningLoss)
            print("epoch: ", x, ", example: ", trainCounter, " current loss = ", loss.item())

            # save memory
            del loss, forward, helper, y

    path = pathOrigin + "/results" ## check if takes global variable
    os.makedirs(modelName, exist_ok = True)
    os.chdir(path + "/" + modelName)

    ## save model anyways in case it did not converge
    checkpoint = {"state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict()}
    saveCheckpoint(checkpoint, modelName)

    # save losses
    dict = {"trainLoss": trainLosses,
            "validationLoss" : [np.NaN for x in range(len(trainLosses))],
            "latentSpaceLoss": runningLossLatentSpace,
            "reconstructionLoss": runningLossReconstruction}
    trainResults = pd.DataFrame(dict)

    # fill in validation losses with index
    for i in range(len(validationLosses)):
        trainResults.iloc[int(validationLosses[i, 1].item()), 1] = validationLosses[i, 0].item()

    # save dartaFrame to csv
    print("results saved!")

I have this issue and I dont know where the code collect the the data to add and my memory usage increases. Could you please help me with that?
Here is my code:

def train_batch(model, optimizer, device, batch, labels):
    length = float(batch.size(0))
    mu_x, log_var_x, mu_q, log_var_q, mu_r, log_var_r = model(batch,labels)

    kl_loss_b = KL(mu_r,log_var_r,mu_q,log_var_q)
    L_loss_b = log_lik(labels, mu_x, log_var_x)
    #print("Size of list3: " + str(sys.getsizeof(train_losses)) + "bytes")
    L_loss    = torch.sum(L_loss_b)
    kl_loss = torch.sum(kl_loss_b)
    loss = -(L_loss - kl_loss)/length
    # update the weights                                                                                                                              
    # add for validation 
    return loss, kl_loss/length, L_loss/length

def trainv(model, device, epochs, train_iterator, optimizer, validate_iterator):
    n_samples = 100

    train_losses, kl_losses, lik_losses, test_losses   = [], [],[], []
    for epoch in range(epochs): 
        ep_tr, ep_kl,ep_l, num_batch, iterator  = 0,0,0, 0, 0
        for local_batch, local_labels in train_iterator:
            local_batch, local_labels =,
            train_loss, kl_loss, lik_loss = train_batch(model, optimizer, device, local_batch,local_labels)
            ep_tr += train_loss
            ep_kl += kl_loss
            ep_l += lik_loss
            num_batch+= 1
            del local_batch, local_labels
        run_validate_flag = 0
        if run_validate_flag ==1:
            samples, truths, test_loss = runs_for_validate(validate_iterator, n_samples)
            test_losses = f'run_validate_flag;{0}'

    return train_losses, test_losses

You are accumulating the losses inplace as described here, which will increase the memory usage.

Thank you. I tried to del the loss in


function, and I can’t. I also tried to

del train_loss, kl_loss, lik_loss

in trainv function and again the memory increases. Do you know where I should delete the loss or use the .item() in which function. Thank you

Deleting the losses after they were already accumulated inplace into ep_* won’t help as PyTorch will not be able to free the tensors anymore since they are now referenced.
You would need to detach() the tensors before accumulating them or you would need to call item() on them as described before.

Is that same for pytorch lightning? After each iteration cuda allocated memory increases …half of the epoch I have memory error!! With 36 Gig memory!!!

After trying the above (del, item(), etc.), I still could not get rid of the problem.

What worked for me was to NOT DO this (DEVICE is cuda):

#torch.set_default_device(DEVICE) # this causes memory creep issues - DO NOT USE

Ever since I disabled that, memory has remained constant.

It has been a while from the last activity in this answer. But, I wonder why we need to explicitly call del because in the next iteration are not these tensors overwritten by the new tensors, so gc can collect that unreferenced tensors?