HDF5 Multi Threaded Alternative

This may help you:

"Concurrent access to one or more HDF5 file(s) from multiple threads in the same process will not work with a non-thread-safe build of the HDF5 library. The pre-built binaries that are available for download are not thread-safe.

Users are often surprised to learn that (1) concurrent access to different datasets in a single HDF5 file and (2) concurrent access to different HDF5 files both require a thread-safe version of the HDF5 library. Although each thread in these examples is accessing different data, the HDF5 library modifies global data structures that are independent of a particular HDF5 dataset or HDF5 file. HDF5 relies on a semaphore around the library API calls in the thread-safe version of the library to protect the data structure from corruption by simultaneous manipulation from different threads. Examples of HDF5 library global data structures that must be protected are the freespace manager and open file lists."
