Help in reading, debugging, and resizing before feeding in to the PyTorch!

The output is showing the size of the contents of the 1st folder only i.e. 19,384x384. I want to get all the shapes from all folders in a boy array. However, some files has different shape(21,384,384) and (23,384,384). Can you tell me where and how should I use resize operation for this? I want the final storage of the array to be (5,19,384,384). I read the docs but still finding it hard to do it. if you can make the changes, I will be grateful to you. Directory structure is as follows–
C:/Users/ Desktop/train/’

PX1_0000- T2W.nii.gz + seg.nii.gz

PX1_0001- T2W.nii.gz+ seg.nii.gz
… PX1_0200- T2W.nii.gz+ seg.nii


def load_data(path):
  my_dir = sorted(os.listdir(path))
  for p in tqdm(my_dir):
    data_list = os.path.join(path+p)
    img = sitk.ReadImage(path + p + '/'+'seg.nii.gz')    
    seg =  sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
    img = sitk.ReadImage(path + p + '/'+ 'T2W.nii.gz')
    T2W = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
  data1 = np.asarray(data1,dtype=np.uint8)
  gt = np.asarray(gt,dtype=np.uint8)
  return data1,gt

data1,gt1 = load_data(path1)

I guess you are doing segmentation…so rather than resizing, crop-pad is more appropriate. Since, the max size is 23 (in 0th dimension), you can pad the other images using np.pad

seg = np.pad(seg, [(23-seg.shape[0], 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]) # pads in the 0th dimension
T2W = np.pad(T2W, [(23-seg.shape[0], 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)])

before appending into data1 and gt.

But my files are not getting read from the directories. Padding I can check and add it. But can you please look into os.join thing. Only files from the 1st folder are read!


data1 and gt should be initialized outside the for loop? Because when you go to each new folder they are re-initialized to empty lists…

Padding is okay— to be done in z direction! According to the 3D image format!
So what changes should I make!? I mean do you think is it even going into the other directories?


def load_data(path):
  my_dir = sorted(os.listdir(path))
  for p in tqdm(my_dir):
    data_list = os.path.join(path+p)
    img = sitk.ReadImage(path + p + '/'+'seg.nii.gz')    
    seg =  sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
    img = sitk.ReadImage(path + p + '/'+ 'T2W.nii.gz')
    T2W = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
    seg = np.pad(seg, [(23-seg.shape[0], 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]) # pads in the 0th dimension
    T2W = np.pad(T2W, [(23-T2W.shape[0], 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)])

  data1 = np.asarray(data1,dtype=np.uint8)
  gt = np.asarray(gt,dtype=np.uint8)
  return data1,gt

data1,gt1 = load_data(path1)

Can you try this please ?

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It’s showing 5 folders, but the T2W size is showing (5,1,23,384,384), z direction is okay! But where this 1 is coming from? If I guess it correctly, it’s the number of channel, right? They are grayscale 3D images!


I believe it is because of this


Can you change this to

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Thanks man, if I face any issues, I will msg you!!

Hey @user_123454321, I have send you one. Can you please have a check.