How are python bindings created?

Most of the core PyTorch functions on the torch package and on torch.Tensor are generated from Declarations.yaml (*) using gen_python_functions.cpp. The generated files look like:


We don’t use pybind11 here for a few reasons:

  1. We need to disambiguate multiple overloads in a PyTorch-specific way. Some of this behavior is due to historical Lua Torch function signatures. We try to avoid this ambiguity in new functions.
  2. pybind11 tends to slow down compile time a lot

(*) Declarations.yaml is generated from native_functions.yaml. There used to be other inputs that went into Declarations.yaml, but I’m not sure if that’s still the case. Anyways, Declarations.yaml is intended as the “public” machine-readable API specification for things like language bindings.