How can I do the operation the same as `np.where`?

np.where is powerful for conditioned element-wise assignment which has been implemented in Tensorflow, I wonder how can I do this in pytorch?


I dont think there’s a pytorch equivalent, but you could look at using apply_() and then calling nonzero() to gather the indices.

Also, apply_() is an inplace operation and only works on CPU tensors.

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Here’s the Chainer implementation, if anyone’s curious. This could even be directly wrapped in a PyTorch function with a couple casting tricks (PyTorch tensors and cupy arrays have the same memory layout).

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I actually solved it by a workaround:

# differentiable equivalent of np.where
# cond could be a FloatTensor with zeros and ones
def where(cond, x_1, x_2):
    return (cond * x_1) + ((1-cond) * x_2)

@jekbradbury I still don’t quite get how I can implement np.where efficiently. Can you kindly help?

Is there any update on a builtin implementation of numpy.where?

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@truenicoco, torch.where() looks like it’'s in 0.4!

thanks others for examples of other options for 0.3 and before


here’s an example of using @jaromiru’s workaround:

## this example prunes any elements in the vector above or below the bounds
vec = torch.FloatTensor([-3.2, 1000.0, 10.0, 639.0])
lower_bound = 0.0
upper_bound = 640.0
lower_bound_vec = torch.ones_like(vec) * lower_bound
upper_bound_vec = torch.ones_like(vec) * upper_bound
zeros_vec       = torch.zeros_like(vec)

def where(cond, x_1, x_2):
    cond = cond.float()    
    return (cond * x_1) + ((1-cond) * x_2)

vec = where(vec < lower_bound_vec, zeros_vec, vec)
vec = where(vec > upper_bound_vec, zeros_vec, vec)

in_bound_indices = torch.nonzero(vec).squeeze(1)
vec = torch.index_select(vec, 0, in_bound_indices)

if you cast cond to a FloatTensor inside where(), then you can just use it the same as np.where()

note that .clamp() could be used together with nonzero() and index_select() to prune out the lower bound of 0 directly


Would cond = cond.type(torch.FloatTensor) move a GPU tensor back to the CPU?

Would it not be better to do cond = cond.float()?

Yes good call, thanks! Your suggestion is better than what I did later, which is use cond = cond.type(dtype_float) where I switch off dtype_float = torch.cuda.FloatTensor or torch.FloatTensor. .float() will happily keep it on whichever device (CPU/GPU). I’ll edit that code snippet so if anybody copy/pastes, that’s already handled.