How can I replace an intermediate layer in a pre-trained network?

I try to change the filter size of the layer with new weights values and then replace the existing one with this new one. I can access the layer by model._modules but cannot replace it. Ant help pls?

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I would love to know how to do the same thing.

My way to do is happens to be

model._modules['layer_name'] = th.nn.some_layer(...)


thanks for sharing! is there any other way?
might the set attribute “setattr” aid?

@erogol Did you find any solution to this question?

Following the responses.

I have managed to develop a code that can convert all the instances of a certain layer (up to a certain num_to_convert) in a generic model to a different layer. The code handles nested modules or blocks. I have modified it here for generality:

def convert_layers(model, num_to_convert, layer_type_old, layer_type_new, convert_weights=False):
    conversion_count = 0
    for name, module in reversed(model._modules.items()):
        if len(list(module.children())) > 0:
            # recurse
            model._modules[name], num_converted = convert_layers(model=module, num_to_convert=num_to_convert-conversion_count, layer_type_old, layer_type_new, convert_weights)
            conversion_count += num_converted

        if type(module) == layer_type_old and conversion_count < num_to_convert:
            layer_old = module
            layer_new = layer_type_new(module.in_channels, module.out_channels, module.kernel_size, module.stride,
                                             module.padding, module.dilation, module.groups,
                                             module.bias is not None, module.padding_mode) 

            if convert_weights == True:
                layer_new.weight = layer_old.weight
                layer_new.bias = layer_old.bias

            model._modules[name] = layer_new
            conversion_count += 1

    return model, conversion_count

To call the above function:

new_model = convert_layers(model, num_to_convert, layer_type_old=nn.Conv2d, layer_type_new=MyConv2d, convert_weights=False)

PS: I noticed after posting the above that this line:

            layer_new = layer_type_new(module.in_channels, module.out_channels, module.kernel_size, module.stride,
                                             module.padding, module.dilation, module.groups,
                                             module.bias is not None, module.padding_mode) c

will only work if the layer to replace is nn.Conv2d and the new layer has similar parameters to pass to its constructor. If someone has a more generic way to handle this that will be great to share.


This method does not delete the parameters of the old modules.
Is there any solution with deletion of the old modules’ parameters?