How does the Cifar10 tutorial make sure to use the test set is actually the test set if both use the same path to load both test and train?

I had a look at your code and it seems your error calculation does overflow.

In this method you are calculating the error:

def error_criterion(outputs,labels):
    max_vals, max_indices = torch.max(outputs,1)
    train_error = (max_indices != labels).sum().data[0]/max_indices.size()[0]
    return train_error

The comparision (max_indices != labels) returns a torch.ByteTensor, which can overflow using your batch size of 10000.
Adding a .float to this line (max_indices != labels).float().sum()... will give a train error of ~0.622 and a test error of ~0.640.

Did you not get an error, since I got a RuntimeError when trying to run your code:

RuntimeError: value cannot be converted to type uint8_t without overflow: 8821
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