How to combine multiple criterions to a loss function?

I did this but got the following error :

add received an invalid combination of arguments - got (torch.FloatTensor), but expected one of:

  • (float value)
    didn’t match because some of the arguments have invalid types: (torch.FloatTensor)
  • (torch.cuda.FloatTensor other)
    didn’t match because some of the arguments have invalid types: (torch.FloatTensor)
  • (torch.cuda.sparse.FloatTensor other)
    didn’t match because some of the arguments have invalid types: (torch.FloatTensor)
  • (float value, torch.cuda.FloatTensor other)
  • (float value, torch.cuda.sparse.FloatTensor other)

Both my loss are of the same type - nn.CrossEntropyLoss() <class ‘torch.autograd.variable.Variable’>

Any suggestion on how to resolve this please?

If you stare down the error message, you see that you have one cuda and one not.

Best regards



Yes, thank you @tom. I am very novice here.

Is it possible to weight the losses when multiple losses are used and how? Is it correct by using the following code?

    mse_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=True)
    a = weight1 * mse_loss(inp, target1)
    b = weight2 * mse_loss(inp, target2)
    loss = a + b


Yup, you can certainly weigh the losses however you see fit. What you’re doing in your example should be fine.


what if my second loss function requires some computed value from first loss (or even the grad of first loss?) in that case I can’t add two loss together; they must be gradients respectively; and retain_graph=True gives wrong results as well as the intermediate grads not correct

see this one

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thank you very much Jordan! your answer help me to combine my custom loss function with nn.Loss.

Hi BikashgG, I think you could use .type() to change tensor’s type from torch.FloatTensor to torch.LongTensor.

I face a similar problem when I use this CrossEntropyLoss().

Check the official document on this loss function, there is a requirement on the type of feed-in tensor.

Hope it helps,


What if the losses are computed over different parts of the network, say loss1 is for first 3 layers and loss2 is for first 7 layers (incl. the first 3)? Wouldn’t the sum of losses method also backprop loss1 through layers 4-7? Would calling loss1.backward() and loss2.backward() separately be recommended in that case?


Hope it helps!

mse_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=True)
a = weight1 * mse_loss(inp, target1)
b = weight2 * mse_loss(inp, target2)
loss = a + b

What if I want to learn the weight1 and weight2 during the training process?
Should they be declared parameters of the two models? Or of a third one?

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To learn them would not make sense for me since your network will only learn to minimize the weights which will automatically minimize the partial losses and thus the total loss.

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The weight should be int or tensor? Or both works?

Int, since you’re weighing each type of loss instead of each value individually.

You could add another loss that penalizes the model for learning weight1 = weight2 = 0

Did you learn how to do this?

What is the preferred way to combine loss functions between:

output = net(input)
loss1 = w1 * crit1(output, target1)
loss2 = w2 * crit2(output, target2)
loss = loss1 + loss2


output = net(input)
loss1 = w1 * crit1(output, target1)
loss2 = w2 * crit2(output, target2)
print(loss1.item() + loss2.item())

Is there a conceptual difference and/or computational advantage in terms of speed/memory in any of the two?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


In the DCGAN Tutorial the preferred methodology is the second when making the two forward passes with real and fake data in the discriminator … any friendly soul willing to comment and explain why this is the best method?


Did you find it out?

Hi, I was working with multi loss problem. I faced the following issue:

loss1 = criterion1() #something
loss2 = criterion2() #something
NetLoss = loss1 + loss2
running_loss1 = loss1.item()
running_loss2 = loss2.item()
net_loss += NetLoss.item()

However, for me,
net_loss > running_loss1+running_loss2

Can this be possible?