How to debug causes of GPU memory leaks?

@smth I think that your method for finding all the tensor via Python’s garbage collector does not account for all tensors. I suppose that a corner case is for the backpropagation, when some tensor might be saved for the backward pass in a context and transformed (probably compressed in some way), hence they do not appear as tensors anymore. I wrote a method to account for the saved_tensors in the context for the backward pass. Could you please check if it extracts all the saved tensors correctly?

def get_tensors(only_cuda=False, omit_objs=[]):

    :return: list of active PyTorch tensors
    >>> import torch
    >>> from torch import tensor
    >>> clean_gc_return = map((lambda obj: del_object(obj)), gc.get_objects())
    >>> device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    >>> device = torch.device(device)
    >>> only_cuda = True if torch.cuda.is_available() else False
    >>> t1 = tensor([1], device=device)
    >>> a3 = tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]], device=device)
    >>> # print(get_all_tensor_names())
    >>> tensors = [tensor_obj for tensor_obj in get_tensors(only_cuda=only_cuda)]
    >>> # print(tensors)
    >>> # We doubled each t1, a3 tensors because of the tensors collection.
    >>> expected_tensor_length = 2
    >>> assert len(tensors) == expected_tensor_length, f"Expected length of tensors {expected_tensor_length}, but got {len(tensors)}, the tensors: {tensors}"
    >>> exp_size = (2,2)
    >>> act_size = tensors[1].size()
    >>> assert exp_size == act_size, f"Expected size {exp_size} but got: {act_size}"
    >>> del t1
    >>> del a3
    >>> clean_gc_return = map((lambda obj: del_object(obj)), tensors)
    add_all_tensors = False if only_cuda is True else True
    # To avoid counting the same tensor twice, create a dictionary of tensors,
    # each one identified by its id (the in memory address).
    tensors = {}

    # omit_obj_ids = [id(obj) for obj in omit_objs]

    def add_tensor(obj):
        if torch.is_tensor(obj):
            tensor = obj
        elif hasattr(obj, 'data') and torch.is_tensor(
            tensor =

        if (only_cuda and tensor.is_cuda) or add_all_tensors:
            tensors[id(tensor)] = tensor

    for obj in gc.get_objects():
            # Add the obj if it is a tensor.
            # Some tensors are "saved & hidden" for the backward pass.
            if hasattr(obj, 'saved_tensors') and (id(obj) not in omit_objs):
                for tensor_obj in obj.saved_tensors:
        except Exception as ex:
            # print("Exception: ", ex)
            # logger.debug(f"Exception: {str(ex)}")
    return tensors.values()  # return a list of detected tensors