How to do constrained optimization in PyTorch

What’s the proper way to do constrained optimization in PyTorch?

For example, I want each parameter of my model to be bounded both from above and below by some constants cLow and cHigh.

That is, if W is the d-dimensional (flattened) weight vector of my model, I’d like to enforce
cLow < W[i] < cHigh for i = 1, 2, … d. How can I do that?


You can do projected gradient descent by enforcing your constraint after each optimizer step. An example training loop would be:

    opt = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
    for i in range(1000):
        out = model(inputs)
        loss = loss_fn(out, labels)
        print(i, loss.item())
        with torch.no_grad():
            for param in model.parameters():
                param.clamp_(-1, 1)

The last three lines enforce the constraint that the weights fall in the range -1–1.


I am also working on constraints optimization problems. My experience with this suggestion is not positive. When I don’t use clamp_() and train model with no restriction then value of specific weights of interested is close to desired and model is predicting good results. But after using clamp_(), model performance degrade severely. What can be the possible reason for this.

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One reason is that this clamping is not communicated to the optimizer, and in particular destroys the gradients. So the optimizer falsely believes that it has moved the parameter in a certain direction, when in fact it is clamped to the same value as before.