How to get parameter tensor of corresponding param node in a traced jit graph?

I am working on a torch to tensorrt project. currently the major problem is impossible to get correct weight of an op. A traced resnet18 model produces following inputs:
node: %input.1 : Float(1, 3, 224, 224), %702 : Tensor, %703 : Tensor, %704 : Tensor, %705 : Tensor, %706 : Tensor, %707 : Tensor, %708 : Tensor, %709 : Tensor, %710 : Tensor, %711 : Tensor, %712 : Tensor, %713 : Tensor, %714 : Tensor, %715 : Tensor, %716 : Tensor, %717 : Tensor, %718 : Tensor, %719 : Tensor, %720 : Tensor, %721 : Tensor, %722 : Tensor, %723 : Tensor, %724 : Tensor, %725 : Tensor, %726 : Tensor, %727 : Tensor, %728 : Tensor, %729 : Tensor, %730 : Tensor, %731 : Tensor, %732 : Tensor, %733 : Tensor, %734 : Tensor, %735 : Tensor, %736 : Tensor, %737 : Tensor, %738 : Tensor, %739 : Tensor, %740 : Tensor, %741 : Tensor, %742 : Tensor, %743 : Tensor, %744 : Tensor, %745 : Tensor, %746 : Tensor, %747 : Tensor, %748 : Tensor, %749 : Tensor, %750 : Tensor, %751 : Tensor, %752 : Tensor, %753 : Tensor, %754 : Tensor, %755 : Tensor, %756 : Tensor, %757 : Tensor, %758 : Tensor, %759 : Tensor, %760 : Tensor, %761 : Tensor, %762 : Tensor, %763 : Tensor, %764 : Tensor, %765 : Tensor, %766 : Tensor, %767 : Tensor, %768 : Tensor, %769 : Tensor, %770 : Tensor, %771 : Tensor, %772 : Tensor, %773 : Tensor, %774 : Tensor, %775 : Tensor, %776 : Tensor, %777 : Tensor, %778 : Tensor, %779 : Tensor, %780 : Tensor, %781 : Tensor, %782 : Tensor, %783 : Tensor, %784 : Tensor, %785 : Tensor, %786 : Tensor, %787 : Tensor, %788 : Tensor, %789 : Tensor, %790 : Tensor, %791 : Tensor, %792 : Tensor, %793 : Tensor, %794 : Tensor, %795 : Tensor, %796 : Tensor, %797 : Tensor, %798 : Tensor, %799 : Tensor, %800 : Tensor, %801 : Tensor, %802 : Tensor, %803 : Tensor = prim::Param()
It’s possible to get correct input nodes, but for parameter nodes, the only information I can get is “index” of slot, I don’t know how to get corresponding weight of a parameter node.
A workaround is use torch.jit._unique_state_dict and remove all untracked variables to get a list of params, then assign them to param node in reversed order. but this isn’t work for models with unused modules such as torchvision.models.inception_v3 (it has a aux output).
Thanks in advance!

Sorry I don’t quite get what you are asking for. what do you exactly mean the weight of an op? and the correct input node? If you can provide more context that will be good for us to answer your exact question

torch.jit.trace create a graph, graph.inputs() return input nodes in net.forward and parameter nodes, the problem is there is no way to get corresponding weight tensor for a parameter node.
I currently use this code to get weight tensor to parameter node mapping, but this isn’t guaranteed by pytorch doc.